Sunday, September 12, 2010

Carmelized Onion, Sage and Cheddar Muffins - SMS

Don't you just love those days where you have a ton of things you want to accomplish and then...something happens!! That was my day today. Last night before I went to bed, I started the upgrade on my IPhone. Yep, you guessed it. When I picked up my IPhone this morning everything was gone! After a fairly major meltdown, we called Apple. While on the phone with Apple, my IPhone began restoring. As it turns out, it had timed out while updating and didn't finish the process. A couple of stressful hours later, I was able to start my baking.

Today's SMS recipe is actually Pear, Blue Cheese and Walnut Muffins. You can find the recipe over at Andrea's Nummy Kitchen. One of the other versions for these savory muffins is Carmelized Onion, Sage and Cheddar. I must have passed on these when the SMS group made these a year or so ago. As it so happens, I planted a sage plant this year and have been searching for recipes using the beautiful sage.

Quite a few of the bakers commented these muffins were dry and suggested substituting sour cream for the cream and milk, to increase their moistness. As I combined the wet and dry ingredients, my batter was so dry I had trouble getting it to combine. I quickly grabbed some cream and added about 1/4 cup. I think next time I make these, I might just add some sour cream to the milk and cream. Concerned these weren't going to be any good, I tried one pretty much right out of the oven. These are delicious, I love the hint of sage along with the onions. Savory muffins are such a nice change!

Thanks Andrea for hosting this week. You can find all of the other SMS baker's muffin creations here!


  1. I love savory muffins. I know these would be a hit in my house. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. I need to get an IPhone or get left behind like my parents. They still don't know what a Big Mac is.

    Your muffins look lovely and way to go with knowing that they needed a little extra moisture!

  3. The muffins look terrific! I didn't make this week's recipe, but we enjoyed the carmelized onion version last time. I've learned to add a few heaping tablespoons of yogurt to all Melissa's muffin recipes - definitely helps.

    I'm glad you were able to get your day on track after the iPhone incident!

  4. I see it is still very hot there!
    The muffins look delicious. Great for a cold day with a bowl of soup!

  5. Yum... this southern gal loves savory muffins.

  6. Thank goodness you were able to retrieve all your information on your cell phone. We rely so much on technology. Tonight, hubby and I watched the stars and satellites for about 30 minutes and I kept wondering how the satellites keep from colliding. There are so many of them up there!

    Your muffins look delicious and I LOVE how you added sage from your very own sage plant! I feel so proud everytime I use something I grew. The picture is making me hungry =).

  7. Your savory muffins look so good! They would be perfect with a cup of chili!
    I went the sweet route this time. I made the savory version last year. I liked them too!
    Happy Baking!

  8. Looks delicious, never made savory muffins, will have to try these!

    Glad your iPhone worked out. I just got one, I am loving it!

  9. I have a muffin cookbook from years ago and half the recipes are for savory muffins. I've made a few over the years and we liked them a lot. I don't remember that they were dry, so I'm going to dig the cookbook out and compare with your recipe.
    Even though you thought they could have been a bit moister, I love the looks of them and those flavors together are marvelous! I love them with soup or salad, don't you?

  10. They look awesome Julie. I especially love the bits of onion sticking out from the edges. Wish I could have one right now.

  11. Your savory muffins look great. Fresh sage sounds wonderful! Glad to hear these were a hit.

  12. I didn't get my muffins posted yet, but I actually ended up adding a small container of Greek yogurt to a half recipe of the batter and they seemed to turn out much less dry. I'm jealous of all the goodies you are getting from your garden! Wish I had one going this year. I need to figure out what grows well in AZ.

  13. "The rest is all cream," well, thank heavens for the cream! These look so delicious and would be perfect for brunch. Thanks so much and glad your phone came back!!!!

  14. I love the sound of the ingredients in these muffins! I have a sage plant that comes back every year. Can't wait to try these!


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