Friday, July 29, 2011

Grilled Kohlrabi - CSA

I joined a CSA this year. For those of you who don't know, a CSA is Community Supported Agriculture. You find a local farm who basically sells "shares" of the farm in exchange for fresh produce and sometimes a little manual labor at the farm.
Early in the Spring, I started researching the local CSA's. Since there's just two of us, I needed find a farm that offered half shares. I wasn't having much luck and had almost given up when my husband sent me an email, Wenninghoff's Farm was offering to deliver CSA shares to my husband's work. Even better, they offered half shares. I was so thrilled, I'd found my CSA.

We're in our fifth week of the CSA and we're loving it. Today I am sharing with you a recipe from our first week, Grilled Kohlrabi. Kohlrabi isn't an every day vegetable, I think we'd eaten it once before a few years ago. Kohlrabi is available in green or purple and tastes like broccoli stems with a hint of cabbage flavor. The word kohlrabi is German for cabbage turnip (kohl as in cole-slaw, and rübe for turnip).

Grilled Kohlrabi

1 medium kohlrabi, peeled and cubed
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar

Toss the kohlrabi in olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Wrap in foil. Grill over medium heat for 45 minutes, until kohlrabi is tender. Remove from the foil. Adjust seasoning and drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday and Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday!


  1. I'd love to find a CSA, I have a friend out in Vegas that loves hers! I've never had kohlrabi, Ma makes a coleslaw type salad with hers, your grilled version looks very good! Happy Weekend:@)

  2. Looks really good! Never had kohlrabi, but I love the CSA because they give you vegetables you might not normally try. I'd love to look into one for next year.

  3. Norm loves it, too bad I don't cook anymore, or not much anyway! It sounds like a great recipe.

  4. Glad you were able to find a CSA that worked for you! I was thinking about joining one this spring but haven't taken the plunge yet. It would be a great way to get to try different produce!

  5. It's so great to be part of a CSA. We have such great Farmer's Markets and fruit markets here that I haven't taken the plunge. But I think it's a terrific commitment to do so!

  6. Hi Julie! Just wanted to mention that the pink salt pig can be found at Amazon:@)

  7. I love kohlrabi just raw!! Grilling it sounds wonderful..will give it a try.

  8. I only had a taste of kohlrabi once - raw. It tasted like a raw potato to me. I'd love to try this grilled version. I'm sure the farmers' market will have some.

  9. Hi Julie,
    What a great way to prepare Kohlrabi. It looks delicious and I will try your recipe. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you again real soon. Hope you are having a great week!
    Miz Helen

  10. I've got a kohlrabi from my CSA that I need to use up..and it's definitely a night for grilling, so this might be just the ticket!


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