A couple of years ago when Tim and I were picking up our convertible from his mom’s garage in Minnesota, we stumbled across the
Solar Drive In in Springfield, Minnesota. We enjoyed an ice cream cone. It’s a warm and inviting spot with a fireplace and Food Network on the TV’s. I was immediately smitten. This was my kind of place. I said to Tim we need to come back here sometime to eat!
Saturday afternoon when Tim’s mom suggested we have a frozen pizza for dinner, I knew I had to come up with a better plan. Then it hit me, I said, let’s go try that great little drive in over in Springfield. Knowing we’d been there a couple of years ago, I was so hoping they were still open. I searched and found not only were they still open but they have a website, a blog and are on Face book!

First I checked out the menu and discovered this wasn’t your average drive in. They make all of their breads from scratch and their menu consists of way more than burgers and fries. Totally satisfied and excited about the menu, I explored other areas of the website. Seriously, the Solar Drive In has a blog, gives cooking classes and the owner and her daughter also have a blog! My trip to Darfur had taken on a whole new meaning; I was excited about the culinary adventure before me. Trust me when I say this doesn’t normally happen during our visits to Tim’s home town.
When we pulled up in front of the Solar Drive In, Tim said look they have one of those compost barrels you want and a raised garden! Knowing I planned to blog about this, I snapped a couple of pictures before we went in. Once inside it was decision time, the menu has so many great choices, it was hard to choose. I was torn between one of their burgers and a wrap. After reading the description of their wraps, my decision was made. Who could pass up a wrap where the wrap itself is homemade and not one of those store bought ones. They take their dough and stretch it thin and then bake it in the oven. Tim and Bernie both had Philly’s. The owners are originally from Pennsylvania, so they know a little bit about how to make a good Philly! For a side we chose the sweet potato fries. Yum, a drive in that serves sweet potato fries, it just keeps getting better! The fries were served with a dipping sauce. When I inquired what it was, I was told mayo and ketchup and their secret spices! Tim says it had to have some dry mustard in it; he has a thing about mustard! Regardless, the sauce was delicious and a perfect compliment to the fries!

While we were waiting for our food, I checked out their giant solar ice cream cone, all decorated for the holidays. They encourage you to take a photo. Like I seem to always do, I forgot to take a picture of the cone or my wrap. Once my food arrives, I am all about eating and totally forget the picture taking part. After we got home, I sent an email letting them know how much we’d enjoyed our visit. I asked if they would be so kind as to snap a photo of the cone and a wrap. Francine (the owner’s daughter) responded and provided those pictures I’d neglected to snap!

If your travels ever take you along Highway 14 in Springfield, Minnesota, stop by the Solar Drive In! It’s way more than a Drive In!