In honor of Earth Day, here's the premier of my new weekly post, In My Garden. Every week, I am going to feature something growing in my yard or my garden. I never used to be much of a garden person. My husband Tim is so into being outside in the yard. It's infectious and while I am not as into it as he is, I am having fun.
I even started some of my flowers, veggies and herbs from seed. When they began to sprout, I was so excited. I've never had much of a green thumb. I figured they wouldn't grow. I will be featuring my seedlings from the beginning to fully grown.

I would love to start composting. I hate how much I throw away. Anything I can put to use instead of in the garbage is such a bonus. I am still researching composting. I don't want to start composting until I am sure I know how.
This week's In My Garden features the beautiful flowering trees in our yard.