About now you might be asking, what does this have to do with Cake Pops? I’ve had Cake Pops bookmarked since I started blogging and have never gotten around to making them. Thanks to Bakerella, cake pops are everywhere on the blogsphere. I feel like the last kid on the block or in the blogsphere to blog about cake pops.
If you’ve been following my blog the past few weeks, you know I am taking cake decorating classes. Three of the four weeks of class we baked and decorated a cake. Before decorating, you slice off the rounded top of the cake to make it flat and level. What to do with those cake tops? You can’t throw away the perfectly good cake top. It makes a cute cake top cake. I froze the tops from the other two weeks in anticipation of finally making cake pops.
I took the easy way out on this batch and used canned frosting. I think next time, I will make homemade for an even more delicious flavor. I am taking cake decorating classes at Michael’s. I took advantage of the coupon and bought Wilton chocolates for melting. Since this chocolate already had little colored sprinkles in it, I skipped the decorating.
Cake pop’s are easy and fun to put together. The only challenge is getting the cake to stay on the stick while dipping the chocolate. I ended up dipping my sticks in chocolate, putting them in the cake ball and refrigerating for an hour or so before dipping. It seemed to help, although I still had a few casualties. My family and coworkers loved these. I am looking forward to making them again. There's so many fun possibilities.

Cake Pops
Recipe adapted from Bakerlla
1 13X9 baked cake (box cake mix or from scratch … any flavor)
1 can cream cheese frosting
1 package dark chocolate melts
1 package colored or white melts
wax paper
lollipop sticks
sprinkles or something similar for top of cake pop
Styrofoam block (Very important!)
Bake your cake and let it cool completely. Take your cake and place it in a large bowl and crumble into the finest pieces possible (This is very, very important).
Mix in the frosting. Put in the refrigerator for about an hour or the freezer for about 20 minutes. (This helps a lot with the consistency) Roll into balls of your desired size - usually about 1" balls work best. Melt your chocolate and stir it well. I added a little parfin. I always add this to my Peanut Butter Balls. It gives them a nice sheen and the chocolate dries nicely. Add your decorations to the cake pop while the chocolate is still wet. Place into a styrofoam block to let dry. Enjoy!!!