
Sunday, August 15, 2010

No Cream Creamy Broccoli Soup

Summertime isn't really soup time but I had some broccoli that needed to be used before it went bad. Cream based soups are the best but they're also not the best for you. How about a recipe for a creamy broccoli soup that doesn't use cream? This recipe is courtesy of our friends at Kraft. The only change I made to this recipe was to use brown rice instead of white.

I loved this soup. It has a wonderful texture just like a cream based soup. The flavors are delicious and would make a great base for other soups.

No Cream Creamy Broccoli Soup
Adapted from Kraft
1 cup chopped carrots (about 2 medium)
1 cup chopped celery (about 2 stalks)
3/4 cup chopped onions (about 1 medium)
2 cloves of garlic, smashed and chopped
3 Tbsp. Oil
3 1/2 cups chicken broth
1/2 tsp. Pepper
4-1/2 cups Broccoli florets (about 2 small bunches)
1/2 cup Instant brown rice, uncooked
3/4 cup Milk
1/4 cup grated Parmesan Cheese

Cook and stir carrots, celery and onions in hot oil in large saucepan on medium-high heat 5 min. Add broth and pepper; stir. Bring to boil.

STIR in broccoli and rice. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer 10 to 15 min. or until vegetables are tender, stirring frequently.

ADD soup, in batches, to blender or food processor; cover. Blend until pureed. Return soup puree to saucepan. Add milk and cheese; cook until heated through, stirring occasionally.

This is my entry for today's Souper Sunday's at Kahakai Kitchen!


  1. A cream soup without the calories of cream is awesome. I enjoy soups all year round and this would be delicious.

  2. This looks great. I haven't made broccoli soup in.....oh forever. I love the idea of substituting out the cream, not that I don't love cream when it absolutely has to be there!

  3. This really looks delicious. It's so nice to find recipes for creamy soups that are actually healthful. Thanks so much for this one. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  4. What a great recipe for broccoli soup. I am so glad you shared the recipe because I can just select and print =).

    Thank you for stopping by this morning! If you love granola, this recipe could be on your "to do" list, maybe when the weather is a little cooler.

  5. A creamy soup without the cream sounds perfect, looks delicious!

  6. I love how healthy this is! Thanks for joining in Souper Sundays again this week. ;-)

  7. That looks really great, and I LOVE broccoli! Thanks for stopping by:-)

  8. This is a great idea- I love cream soups but stay away from fear of all that cream- your recipe solves my dilemma.

  9. hmmmm - this looks so comforting and delicious. I love it.


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