
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday! I am so proud of this plant. You see before, I met Tim I never had much of a green thumb. This is a bougainvillea we bought about four years ago. We kept it outside the first summer and it thrived. Since we live in the cold, snowy midwest and bougainvilleas don't like temperatures below 50, we brought it inside. My living room has a wonderful west facing window. My plant survived the winter and continued to grow. I am not sure why when Spring came around we didn't move the plant outside but we didn't. The rest is history, this became a beautiful houseplant.

What do you use for fertilizer for your house plants? I've been using Epsom Salt. You mix 2 tablespoons with a gallon of water. My plants seem to love it. Especially my bougainvillea, it has more blooms than ever!

I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!


  1. These most amazing plants really thrive in the San Diego area and when I'm there I so wish I could grow them. Thanks for such a good idea. I've never thought of having a bougainvillea in my house or feeding anything Epsom Salt!

    you can email me at

    Thanks Julie, have a great weekend!

  2. YOu should be proud-beautiful plant! Happy PS!

  3. What a glorious color. You've made a perfect pick for Pink Saturday. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. How beautiful! My mother has these plants too. I always admire them! Sad to say it wouldn't last a week with me though. I managed to kill my yellow rose bush! Imagine that.. it was the hardiest of all my roses!

  5. These are one of my favorite flowers! The first time I saw them was when I finished my sophomore year at college and went on a road trip to Disneyland with my girlfriend. Can you imagine that the thing I remember about my first trip to Disneyland the most was the flowers? These are gorgeous. I can have them as annuals and with Costco selling them so reasonably, I do.

  6. G'day Julie ~ I love the south for these beautiful plants to enjoy.Had not heard of epsom salts .. if it works don't change it.

    Have a lovely PS summer weekend ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  7. I love bougainvillea's so much .
    Beautiful photo !
    Love from the Netherlands ♥RINI♥

  8. Keep doing whatever you are doing, they are gorgeous!

  9. What a gorgeous plant, never seen one before. You are certainly doing something right. Happy Pink Sat.

  10. Such a pretty pink post! Happy Pink Day.

  11. Hey Sweetie,,,I just over here in Iowa but originally from Cali...Love the flower and yes your should be proud of them,,I agree.
    Thanks for the note on my post and the welcome to my 1st PINK Saturday everyone has been GREAT,,,WOW I feel Blessed in fact...Sorry for the late reply we had went shopping for the rest of the boys school things last minute and my hopes to be back early were dashed...Please forgive me... :0)
    Blessings and Hugs Dena

  12. Beautiful Bougainvillea...I have never heard of using epsom salts to feed learn something new every day! Happy belated pink Saturday.

  13. This is gorgeous. It must be a joy, each time, you pass it by.


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