
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats - Secret Recipe Club

Can you believe it's the second week of June?  Crazy!  The second week of June means two things Secret Recipe Club and here in Omaha,  the College World Series.  This month my assigned SRC blog is No Reason Needed.  I am not sure whether my favorite part of SRC is browsing my assigned blog or finding out who had my blog and what recipe they chose.  Either way, SRC is fun.  You can find out more about SRC here.

It's always hard to decide which recipe to choose but when I saw the recipe for Cake Batter Rice Krispie treats, the decision was easy!!  I love cake batter!  I know it's risky  because of the raw eggs.  I've been eating it for years and have never gotten sick, so it's a risk I am willing to take.  Over the past few years the blogsphere has been filled with cake batter recipes.  I've made a couple of them Cake Batter Muddy Buddies and Cake Batter Ice Cream.  

I've always thought Rice Krispie treats were just okay,  almost too sweet for my taste.  Although it may sound strange, the addition of cake batter seems to tone down that sweetness.  I will never make the original Rice Krispie treats again.  Maybe it's that cake batter obsession but it's Cake Batter Rice Krispie treats for me from now on!

 Cake Batter Rice Krispie Treats
3 Tbsp. butter
1 (10 oz) bag marshmallows
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup yellow cake mix (I used 3/4 cup cake mix)
6 cups rice krispies cereal
assorted sprinkles

Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat and add marshmallows. Stir until the begin to melt and mix in vanilla. Add in cake mix one spoonful at a time and stir until combined. Stir in cereal so it is completely coated with marshmallow mixture. Sprinkle in half of the sprinkles and mix. Press into a baking dish sprayed with non-stick spray (I like an 8x8 or 9x9 to make them thicker - I used a 9x13 pan) and top with remaining sprinkles. Let sit for about 30 minutes before cutting.

I am linking this to On The Menu Monday and Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday!


  1. Hi, This is Grandma Loy, and I had your blog for Secret Recipe Club. I cannot begin to tell you how much I liked the Rhubarb Barbecue Sauce and the method you posted for ribs using the rub and braising liquid. I have certainly found the method I will be using to make ribs from now on. Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great week.

  2. Sounds like a nice treat! I haven't made Rice Krispy Treats since the boys were little:@)

  3. What a nice variation on the original recipe! Like you, I've eaten batter which raw eggs and never had a problem with it.
    Have a great week!

  4. I love cake batter treats! I learned about them and made them for my first SRC! Excellent pick

  5. These would be great for my son's first birthday party next weekend! Great SRC choice!

  6. I have made a few rice krispie recipes int he past and this is one i have never tried, kids would go crazy.

  7. Very interesting version. Never saw it before. Sounds delicious.

  8. Oh, yum - what a fun way to change up rice krispy treats! Looks and sounds but fun and delicious!

  9. With this colorful sprinkle on top my son would go crazy!

  10. Hi Julie,
    This sure looks like a great treat to me, we would love these. Hope you are having a great week.
    Miz Helen
    Group B SRC

  11. I'll have to make these for the grandsons, Julie! Anything not so sweet sounds good to me.

  12. Regular rice krispies treats are a bit too sweet for me too. Interesting the cake mix would tone down the rice krispies treats, I'd certainly expect the opposite! :)


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