
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baked Cheese Grits - Club Baked

It's been a couple of months since I've baked with Club Baked.  They've baked some delicious treats, Grasshopper Bars, Whoopie Pies and Mississippi Mud Pie.  Baked Explorations, the book we are baking from, is normally all about sweet treats.  This weeks recipe is the exception!  We baked a savory dish!

The recipe says to use stone ground grits, not instant grits.  At the first grocery store, I found only instant grits.  In the pouring rain, I stopped at another grocery store and found quick grits.  I am still not sure these are the grits described in the book but I bought them anyway.

My husband isn't fond of grits!  He's from Minnesota and I don't think grits are a part of any hot dish up there!!  However, I think the cheese and butter in these changed his mind.  He had two servings. 

These are so creamy and delicious.  I'd love to try these with different kinds of cheese.  Normally you think of grits for breakfast.  These are the perfect side dish for lunch or dinner.  If you're in a hurry you could easily skip the step of melting the cheese in the oven and serve these right from the stove top! 


 Thanks to  Jen of Gourmified for choosing this recipe, these are a winner!  You can find the recipe on her site and links to the other Club Baked bakers here!

Next up for Club Baked, Orange Creamsicle Tart. 

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday, Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday and Foodie Friday.


  1. The grits look amazing! Cheese and butter would sway me if I didn't already like them.

  2. What a yummy-looking side dish! Grits aren't part of my repertoire either, but I'd give them a try.

  3. These grits changed my skeptical point of view. I thought they were really good!

  4. I love grits, anything corn for that matter. Too bad little piggy that I am, they fill me up and out, so I rarely get to indulge! Yours look rich and delicious Julie. Happy May Day!

  5. Yum, I love grits. I used to order them online since it's not a favorite here in So. Cal, but now I can find them at Trader Joes. Yay!

  6. Beautifully made dish! I haven't had anything like this!

  7. I think I've only had grits once in my life. Being from the midwest also they aren't commonly served here. I do love the idea of baked and cheesy grits :)

  8. I didn't even realize there was a savory recipe in Baked Explorations! I've never had grits before but Trader Joe's now carries stone ground grits...I'll have to pick up a bag and try these!

  9. i've never had grits before, but i would love to try them in this wonderfully cheesy concoction!

  10. I have never had grits; I thought they would be blah, but you make them look so tasty good.

  11. Hi Julie!

    As a New England girl, I can't say I've ever tasted (or even seen, for that matter) a dish of grits, baked and cheesy or otherwise. I know they're extremely commonplace in the South, but in my neck of the woods, grits just aren't a go-to side. Yours look very tempting, however! I can very much empathize with having to search multiple markets for a particular ingredient, and it's just no fun to go grocery shopping in the rain. At least you were rewarded with this warm, comforting treat.

    Hope to hear from you soon! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  12. We just love Cheese Grits, these look delicious. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  13. Your grits look delicious! Thanks for baking with me!
    -Lisa @Gourmified


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