
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award

Last week I received a nice surprise, Teri of The Freshman Cook had given me the Versatile Blogger Award! Teri and I bake together in the group Club Baked. Thanks, Teri!

The award works like this:
  • Thank the person who awarded you by linking back to their post
  • Pass the award on to 15 other new or newly discovered blogs
  • List 7 interesting things about yourself
I am going to pass this award along to all of you, my blogging friends.

7 Interesting things about me.....
  1. Until 6 years ago, I'd lived all of my life in Kansas City. On the Kansas side, primarily in Overland Park.
  2. I am afraid of heights. Not sure where this fear came from. I am one of those annoying people who take a big pause before stepping on an escalator.
  3. I'd like to own a Bed and Breakfast or a small cafe/bakery that only serves breakfast and lunch.
  4. I am a NASCAR fan. Jimmie Johnson is my guy! (And yes, I was a Jimmie fan before he won the chase five seasons in a row.)
  5. My favorite cocktail is a glass of white wine.
  6. I am hooked on Pinterest.
  7. Tops on my bucket list is a trip to Italy.
What do you want to share about yourself?


  1. Congrats on the award! Bed and Breakfast is a nice dream to have :)

  2. Congratulations! What part of Italy would you like to visit? (Such a beautiful country. It's hard to pick just one part!)

  3. When you buy that bed and breakfast, I'm coming! Congratulations on your award. The Nascar interest has me smiling and I love pinterest too.

  4. I SO want to visit Italy also! And I second Renee...keep us posted on that bed and breakfast because I will travel wherever to get to stay in it!


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