
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam - Revisited - SMS

SMS is drawing to a close and we're only posting twice a month. I miss posting SMS weekly. It's been a great way to end or start the week. The SMS bakers are such a talented bunch. It's been fun getting to know them. This month's host, Tracey of Tracey's Culinary Advertures, is one of those talented members! You can find the recipe on her blog. If you want to check out the other SMS members thoughts on this jam, you can find the links to their blogs here!

I made this week's SMS recipe last Fall. I've given several jars to friends and everyone raves about it! Funny how I always thought jam was so hard to make. If you've never made jam, give this recipe a try. It's easy and the flavor is amazing!


  1. I thought the same thing, homemade has to be difficult, but it was wasn't, and it really is so much better! Your jam looks delicious!

  2. It took me a long time to discover that I could do it and made my first-ever batch of jam last fall. I'm off to see the recipe - only another month or so for fresh strawberries here!

  3. I agree, this recipe is surprisingly easy! I always expected it be so much tougher to whip up homemade preserves. Glad this one was such a hit over there :)

    Thanks for baking along this week, it's crazy to think we've tried almost every recipe in the book!

  4. I loved this recipe too and couldn't agree more about it being easy to make. Your jam looks great! I canned mine this time and will be sharing them with friends and family.

  5. I thought this recipe was easy too! Other than the jam splatters that were all over my stove top. I need to remember to use a bigger pot next time =)

  6. Lucky friends! This was easy to make.

  7. You jam looks wonderful and will make breakfast a really special affair. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  8. We still have snow, so it will be a little while before I can tackle our rhubarb. I will remember this version; looks so good.

  9. That looks great! You are right- the flavour is amazing!

  10. Please let me know when you post that ham in crockpot recipe.


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