
Friday, April 8, 2011

Snicker Salad - Revisited

This week has been crazy busy and I haven't had time to write about the recipes I've made recently. I am reposting some of the recipes from my when I first began blogging. No one except my son and my husband were reading my blog, so I think it's okay to repost.

Today's recipe is Snicker Salad. If you were to attend a family gathering with my husband's family, you would find Snicker salad being served. Until I met my husband, I had never heard of this recipe. Everytime I make this, I question my husband on whether or not it really is a salad.

Snicker Salad
2 snickers candy bars
2 apples
8 ounces Cool Whip

Chop apples and snickers bars and put into serving bowl. Add cool whip. Stir.
This quantity serves 4. For family gatherings, the recipe can be doubled or tripled.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. Weird...but it's gotta be tasty!

  2. Anything with Cool Whip has to be good!

  3. Looks good! you are lucky your son and husband are reading your blog...mine don't.

  4. That actually sounds good! It has been a wild week here.

  5. We'll there are apples in it so it has one salad ingredient at least :) I does sound good. Reminds me a little of ambrosia salad, a cross between salad and dessert.

  6. I'd love it no matter what you call it :)

  7. Never heard of it, but the name sounds appropriate and the "salad" sounds tasty! I bet it would be good with strawberries too!

  8. omg, my hubby would love this..


  9. My DIL makes a similar "salad" and everybody just loves it. I always laugh, because it falls in the dessert category for sure! My guy is one who cheers her on along with the grandkids who take huge helpings of this "salad" with their meals and then like to show me how well they ate their salad!

    Hope you're enjoying beautiful weather and happy weekend ;D

  10. Oh mah gah. Do you KNOW how long it's been since I've had a snickers bar??? Now I'm absolutely dying for one!

    Oh. And an apple, too. Right.

    Anyway, thanks for sharing such an interesting and oh my god I want a snickers bar so bad now recipe! ;) Stopping by from Foodie Friday

  11. OK..I'm of course rationalizing here, but since this is a SALAD, it does not fall within the realm of desserts (which hubby and I have both given up for Lent) right?

  12. I've had this several times and love it! Funny you mention the "salad classification" thing as my husband's family always makes a strawberry pretzel "salad" that really is more of a no-bake cheesecake =)

  13. This is definitely a kids pleaser, and I know a few adults who would devour the whole thing. I hope things slow down for you.



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