
Monday, April 11, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Last week I posted my first Meet Me on Monday post! I found this great weekly party at Never Growing Old.

1. Who would be your dream celebrity date?
Seriously....not even a second thought on this one. George Clooney!

2. Do you have any food restrictions?
None!!! I need a self imposed restriction, not to eat so many sweets. A hazard of food blogging!

3. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?
Depends on the day! I have great hair and don't have to wash it every day. On a no hair washing day, I can be ready in less than 30 minutes. A day I wash my hair takes more like 45 minutes.

4. Sausage or bacon?
Hands down, BACON!!!!!!!

5. Do you Google, Bing or Yahoo?
Google...all the time! How did I find the answers to questions before google!


  1. I'm addicted to google too. I love being able to find the answer to almost anything!

  2. Hands down it used to be George for me as well. He's starting to look a little long in the tooth but I bet he'd still be fun to hang out with.

  3. Years ago George would've been my choice too but not any more.

  4. I'm a depends on the day girl as well. I love the shorter get ready days. It feels like I get the gift of more time in my day! I'm Just One Donna from

  5. Yes George is a looker. I remember when he was on Facts of Life I even thought he was cute, weird!

    I don't wash my hair everyday either. The days I don't it seems to look better than the days I do!

    I see you are in Omaha. My family lives in Lincoln and I use to live in Omaha years ago. Now in Ames Iowa!

    I always have to follow a Nebraskan!


    I linked up, hope you can stop by and I'd love if you could follow!

  6. Google is my addiction too; what did we do before this entered our life. I often wonder that.

  7. LOL about Google :) Same here, addicted to it! But I like Wiki, too!

  8. Are you sure you aren't a long, lost sister of mine? :D Your answers are pretty much what my answers would have been, from George to Google. :)

  9. Google, bacon, we are soul sistas!


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