
Friday, March 4, 2011

Worlds Best French Toast

When we were in Cabo a few weeks ago, we had breakfast at a great little restaurant, Mama's. Mama's boasts they have the "Worlds Best French Toast". It's their version of Stuffed French Toast.

I wanted to recreate this dish! After reading the recipe, I realized I don't really have a flambe pan. Probably not a good idea to flambe in non stick! The only french bread in the freezer was baguettes. Not a good size for french toast. With stuffed french toast as my inspiration, this is my version of the "Worlds Best French Toast". Maybe not the world's best but we thought it was pretty darn good.

Stuffed French Toast w/Banana Syrup

French Toast
1 serving
2 slices White Bread (I used sourdough)
Strawberry Philadelphia Cream Cheese
1 Egg
2 T. Milk
1 t. vanilla
1 T. Butter

Spread cream cheese on one side of slices the bread. Make a sandwich out of the bread.
Whisk egg, milk and vanilla.Dip the bread in the egg mixture, making sure it is is coated well.

Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet over medium high heat. Once the butter is hot, add the bread and cook until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Flip and cook on the other side.


1 banana, sliced in 1/2 inch slices
2 T. Honey
1/2 t. cinnamon
2 T. Pecans, roughly chopped

Melt butter in a skillet over medium high heat, stir in honey. Once combined, add cinnamon and pecans. Once the sauce is bubbling, add the banana and cook an additional minute or two. Don't overcook or the banana will get too soft.

Pour over French Toast. Garnish with powdered sugar, if desired.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum and Fat Camp Friday at Mangoes and Chutney.


  1. My word, it sure has all of my favorite things. It looks really good Julie. Thanks so much!

  2. We love stuffed French Toast, yours would be a big hit in my house! Looks amazing!

  3. My husband and I have a friendly competition re French toast. I do believe your recipe will be a hands down winner!


  4. A strawberry version of stuffed-french toast sounds great! I've only had a brown-sugar version. Bet it was great with the banana syrup!

  5. It looks fabulous to me. Of course, I love any kind of french toast!

  6. This looks and sounds amazing. Oh yum.

  7. Sounds and looks delicious! I have used baguettes for baked French toast. I first had this at a friends...sprinkled with fresh blueberries. It was good. And for a brunch, it's kind of nice having small pieces, when you are adding other items to the plate.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  8. We enjoyed French Toast on vacation too! It's something that I don't ordinarily make at home for just my husband and myself but mmmm, this sounds good!

  9. This looks like the perfect way to get any day started. So delicious.

  10. Yum! I'm headed to the kitchen right now! Thanks for linking to What's On the Menu Wednesday.

  11. OMG does that sound and look good. I'm going to have bake a good white bread this week just to make this recipe. Sounds so perfect for a weekend breakfast.

  12. I love French Toast but this is in another whole new dimension. Wow. I'm trying this one. It looks to me like you could call this the World's Best.

  13. My kids would love this recipe! I'll have to surprise them one day over Spring Break with this treat.

  14. My grandchildren will love this. Thanks so much for posting this to What's On the Menu Wednesday. I hope to see you back again this week. The link will be up later this evening:)


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