
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pink Saturday

Since it's still cold in the midwest, I wanted to share some beautiful reminders of Spring.

I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!!


  1. Oh I hope you warm up soon...we are having goood weather. Happy Pink Saturday !

  2. Happy Pink Saturday! I'm ready to see some color in our yards,too! It's pretty cool in KC again.....high to be in the upper 30s today. Guess that's better than single digits.

    Yum, your french toast looks awesome...and congrats to your hubby for his successful participation in the stair climb.


  3. I saw a sprig of green grass yesterday!!!!!! Your flowers are such a delight to see.

  4. Hi Julie, pretty pink flowers, can't wait to see some flowers peek their heads in my garden!
    But this morning in michigan the snow was almost all melted and by late afternoon the temperature dropped and the snow started and now its all white here again! Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Spring is around the corner!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  6. Thanks for the reminder of spring. I was just telling my husband yesterday, this time of year is frustrating because, it is starting to feel like spring, yet the temperatures are still JUST cold enough, it's like a big tease. I am looking forward to when it finally warms up!

  7. Happy sweet and sugary Pink Saturday...God Bless you and keep you this week...


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