
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sour Cherry Soup

Do you like cold soups? My first experience with cold soup was at a tea room in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. I loved the creamy texture. A bowl of cold soup is almost too much to serve with a meal. A small amount, however, is a refreshing treat on a hot summer day!

I had a few leftover cherries. When I told Tim I was making a cold soup, he gave me one of those looks. In the end, he liked it and said he would eat it again. If you're looking to try a cold summer soup, give this one a try. It has a nice, not too sweet flavor with a hint of cinnamon.

Sour Cherry Soup

4 cups sour cherries, with pits
1/4 honey
1 3-inch cinnamon stick
2 cups water
1/4 cup sour cream or yogurt
Blueberries or peach slices for garnish (optional)

Place cherries, sugar, cinnamon and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until cherries have softened and relinquished their juices, about 20 minutes.

I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound and Souper Sunday's.


  1. Julie,

    I have a tree loaded with sour cherries and this sounds like a great way to put them to use! Thanks, I will give it a whirl and have a happy weekend...

  2. I"ve never tried cold soups before. This one looks very tastey!

  3. I'm so jealous of people (like you) who live close to an abundance of fresh sour cherries. They're impossible to get here in Texas. I think your soup looks absolutely scrumptious -- the perfect thing for a hot summer day.

  4. Allowed to cool and served cold, this actually looks really good as a breakfast food made with yogurt. Very pretty color!

  5. This is so pretty and I think would be so much fun to serve company. I see the pretty cherries in the market but I never buy them because I don't know how to prepare them but your recipe has enticed me. Happy Pink Saturday. :)

  6. This looks so good! And it's pretty too!! My husband is Russian and we make a cold soup too called akroshka... it's comprised of buttermilk, bologna, eggs, cucumber, dill, potatoes, sour cream and cilantro. It is soooo good and refreshing!

  7. I'd like to try it-never had cold soup-thanks for sharing!

  8. Yum! I had cold soup once at a restaurant and loved it. Thanks for a great recipe to try!!

  9. See, I think I could eat this if you just didn't call it soup. There needs to be a better term for this type of dish. It looks/sounds delicious!

  10. Our family just loves strawberry soup. I am sure this would be as much of a hit. They know it is a special meal when I serve it as an appetizer. They were just asking for it the other day complaining that I hadn't made it in a long time! Yum, cherries would be soooo good.

  11. We've had cold fruit soup before and enjoyed it! Your cherry soup looks delicious!

  12. Yum. Happy belated Pink Day. I love soup and have eaten it out, but never tried to make it. Your recipe looks easy. I'll have to try. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Very pretty presentation. I am learning to really love cold fruit soups. Thanks for sending this one to Souper Sundays! ;-)

  14. What a unique soup! I love cold soups and I love cherries even more :)
    I'll be keeping this recipe in mind for the next cherry season.


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