
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello Snickers!

No SMS for me this week. This weeks recipe, Sweet Almond Cake, is presented by the talented and creative Katiecakes.

Instead I am sharing a recipe I found on my blogging friend Gnee's site, Singing With Birds. If you haven't been to her site, check it out. She takes amazing photos and shares the best recipes.

What’s your favorite candy bar? Mine is Twix. My husband’s is Snicker’s. He loves to keep the mini ones in the freezer for a cool summer treat. These cookies had Tim's name written all over it.

This recipe is so fun and easy to put together. My only challenge was unwrapping all of the caramels, which took much longer than I anticipated. Tim said his mom used to put them in the freezer. They would unwrap easier when frozen. A concept I plan to try next time. I had a little trouble getting my caramels to melt smoothly. In turn, I had a few spots in the bars with a piece of hard caramel.

These are delicious! Almost too delicious, I had to put the last piece together like a puzzle in order to have a picture to post!!

Hello Snickers!
Recipe courtesy of Singing With Birds

1 stick butter
1 cup chocolate wafers, crushed
1 cup caramel, melted
1 cup roasted peanuts, chopped
1 cups chocolate chips
1 cup sweetened condensed milk

Melt 1 stick of butter in a square 8x8 pan. Layer over this chocolate wafer crumbs, caramel, peanuts, chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes, (350 for a glass pan). Cool and cut into 16 squares.


  1. Decadent and delicious! Love it!

    My favorite candy bar would be a frozen Charleston chew or a milky way, it's a tie!

  2. One of my hubby's favorite candy bars is Snickers (his other favorite is Twix) and he would go crazy for these cookies!

  3. These look CRAZY delicious! They would be so hard for me to stay away from and just nibble a little piece. Snickers is one of my favorites as well.

  4. I just made snickers last week. Check out my recipe! These look sooo good!!

  5. A girl shouldn't be drooling over her keyboard, but I am. I missed these on Singing with Birds! I am so glad that people make other's recipes and then still post them because that gives more of us a chance to find the recipes. These look unbelievably lucious. I just gave away my Snickers, so I will have to go out and get more, cuz I want to make these!

  6. I saw this on Gnee's blog too ~ it really looks good! Unwrapping all of those caramels is a slow job. I go through it when making Caramel apples each fall.

  7. I wish they would make the caramels in 4 oz bars or something! It is so time consuming to unwrap! Maybe we should write to Kraft and suggest that!
    They look delicious, Julie!

  8. Hmmmm...this looks like a treat the co-irkers would love (and me

  9. My server was down yesterday! What a fun surprise this morning, Julie. Your post looks just right...amazingly good! Thanks for sharing the "best form of flattery!"

    Hugs to you...and I'm going to try your cherry soup!

  10. oooh, snickers is my favorite! a must try


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