
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Toasted Almond Lemon Bars - Sweet Melissa Sunday's

I am having a giveaway, you can enter here!!

Although I don't make them often, Lemon Bars are one of my favorite desserts. I love anything made with lemon.

The crust for this recipe goes together easily. I did feel like the crust was pretty sticky and soft. Maybe that was because it was hot and humid? Concerned about the crust being so soft it would spread, I put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes before baking. It turned out perfectly. This crust is delicious. As I scraped out the inside of the food processor, I tasted the batter. I could have eaten this by the spoonful. I made a 1/2 recipe. It worked beautifully in a 9" square pan. The filling is really runny but it sets up nicely.

I try to share the sweet treats I make. My taste tester, Tim ate one, make that two bars. I said "How about taking these to work tomorrow?" "Can't we keep them here? Michael and I will eat them this weekend." My guess if you make these you won't want to share them either. These are delicious! The almond crust gives them a nice hint of nutty flavor, a great contrast with the lemon.

You can find the recipe on Rebecca of the Indecisive Baker's blog. Rebecca, thanks for choosing a fabulous recipe! The links to all of the other SMS baker's are here!


  1. you are so right! they are too delicious to share...which is why i had to get rid of them, haha. i like the idea of making a half batch in a 9x9 and of freezing the crust, mine was soft, too. thanks for sharing!

  2. They look awesome! I thought these were way good! I've earmarked as one of my favorite recipes!

  3. These look great! I loved these bars too...the almond in the crust has made it a new favorite of mine for shortbread.

  4. These look really wonderful. I love almond pastries and your bars sound terrific. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  5. They looks great! I'm regretting not making these now.

  6. That is a great photo of the lemon bars.

  7. Lemon bars are my #1 favorite bar to make. And they are always the first thing gone, too.
    Can't wait to try the almond crust is made with flour and butter. Almonds and lemon would be super together. Nice job, Julie!

  8. The rest of the family is much for anything lemon but I just love lemon bars. These look beautiful!

  9. I scaled the recipe way back this week so I didn't have to feel quite as bad when I didn't want to share the lemon bars :) I thought they'd probably be delicious and they were! The crust was finicky for me too, but it worked out eventually.

  10. Love a nut crust with the lemons! Looks amazing! A favorite here!

  11. Glad to hear your lemon bars were hit! They look great.

  12. Sounds like the lemon bars were a real hit! I didn't get to make them again this time but would have loved to give them another go.

  13. Your bars look so yummy. Just remember to hold your breathe when you take a, love, love!

  14. Your bars look great! These were so yummy. I am sending them to work with my fiance tomorrow; too tempting to have around the house.

  15. Haha, I wish I'd thought of eating the raw batter. Sounds delish.

    Katie xox

  16. Yes, they were a big hit here too. I was wondering about the crust- which I thought was high in butter, but freezing it seems like a great idea for working with the dough.

  17. Looks great! Kind of wish I tried this again...

  18. Your bars look great! Lemon bars are one of my favorite desserts. I'm glad I only made a half batch of these...they're almost gone already!

  19. These bars were indeed super delish. Yours look like they turned out awesome.

  20. great bars, lemon and almond go perfectly together...yummy


  21. Popped in to say hi! Those look too cute!

  22. I totally agree with you, the bars are delicious and yours look perfect! I had a little trouble with sticky dough myself but I also coated my hands with flour constantly.

    Thank you for stopping by =). The blueberry picking was a great feeling and I am soooo looking forward to making a batch of jam~!

  23. I like how you put a lemon on the dish as a decoration....


  24. Hubby would love these. I have never tried them with almonds. Sounds like a perfect addition to me!!

  25. Hey, thanks for sharing this! They look wonderful btw, good job! I hope mine would turn out just as good as yours, hehe. Thanks for this, I wanna share the recipe to my friends in Foodista too, I hope you don't mind. If you could just add the foodista widget for lemon bars at the end of this post, then that should do it! Thanks, keep on sharing! Cheers,Amy from Australia

  26. I so wanted to make these and now you're making me regret it! They look scrumptious and I can almost taste the almond with the lemon...

  27. It's always a good sign when your taste testers would rather keep the goodies than share them. It means they are most likely fantastic!

    They certainly look great!


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