
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Doggie Treats for Copper

I am having a giveaway, go here to enter! Good luck!

Tim and Michael went kayaking on the Niobrara River a couple of weekends ago. Copper always misses Tim when he's gone. To help him feel a little better, I decided to make doggie treats. Despite the 95 degree heat and humidity of 60 plus percent, I baked these. Copper thanked me by beeing a good dog for the rest of the weekend.

Copper loves peanut butter. It's what we use when we give him his heartworm medicine, so I knew he'd love these treats. My first inclination was to roll this dough out much thinner than it should be. These are different than cookies, there's nothing in them to make them rise. They pretty much bake in the same shape as when you put them in the oven.

Peanut Butter Dog Biscuits

½ cups water
½ cup oil
2 eggs
3 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tsp. vanilla
2 cups flour
½ cup cornmeal
½ cup oats

Blend wet ingredients together. Whisk dry ingredients together and mix into wet mixture to form a ball of dough. Roll out and shape. Put onto a non-stick cookie tray or lightly greased one. Cook 20 minutes at 400 F. Turn off oven and allow the biscuits to cool in oven until crisp and hard. Store in airtight container.

I am linking this to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Tuesday's at the Table and Tasty Tuesday's.


  1. May I have one, please! The ingredients look good enough for anyone...Copper is a lucky pup!

  2. Look how excited Cooper is! I'm going to give this recipe a try for my own pooch, Sloopy.

  3. I never even thought of making my own dog treats! Thanks for linking up! I love this idea!

  4. Ok - could your dog be any cuter? hmmmm - noooo! I will have to make these for my little guy as well because he also loves peanut butter.

  5. Hi, I am following you back. I looked through a lot of your posts. You have some yummy recipes and I remember your ice cream sandwiches, yum. Are there pictures on Chocolate with Francois? I couldn't get any to open. that is a fun idea to take a cookbook like that and make things. I love anything chocolate. So nice to have a new friend.

  6. Copper is a lucky (and really cute!) dog. :) Patches loves when I make her home-made treats. I will have to try your recipe.

  7. What a sweet face :) Copper is a lucky guy to get such nice homemade treats! Copying this, I'm sure my three pups would love these!


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