
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Peanut Butter Truffles

A couple of weeks ago I talked about how happy I was that I'd been able to get SMS completed and set up to post PRIOR to Sunday. Not this week! It's been a busy week! Yesterday was a beautiful Spring day and the opening of the Farmer's Market. After the long, cold winter we had, everyone seemed as thrilled as we were to enjoy the market. We picked up radishes, herb plants, tomato plants and asparagus. Last night for dinner, I tried a recipe for roasted radishes. Yum! I will share the recipe sometime in the near future.

Okay back to this week's SMS! One advantage to making the recipe on Sunday is you can read a few posts before making the recipe. I found a couple of great tips over at Karen's Cookies Cakes & More. She quartered the recipe which was my plan as well. Everyone had been commenting they thought the recipe needed more peanut butter. Karen used the amount of peanut butter for a full recipe. Also, she used her melon baller to scoop out the balls. Thanks, Karen!!!

I am trying to use ingredients I have on hand. I didn't have bittersweet chocolate but did have semi sweet. No peanuts either, so I rolled these in toffee bits.

The recipe is quick and easy to make! I had no issues putting it together or making the balls. These are delicious! I love chocolate and peanut butter together. I thought they had a nice peanut butter flavor. Maybe the semi sweet chocolate does not overpower the peanut butter as much as the bittersweet chocolate?

Thanks to Mara of Love Your Mother Earth for choosing this recipe. You can find the links to all of the other SMS gals here!

One Year Ago...Mrs. Flint's Banana Bread!


  1. YUM! in that glass, these look so cute!

  2. Great picture! And, good call waiting to hear all the other comments before making yours - might have to try that next week! :)

  3. Nice looking truffles! I think your right about the chocolates making a difference in the taste of the peanut butter. I don't care for's so strong. Im glad you enjoyed the recipe. It was so simple and fun to try all the different toppings!

  4. Your truffles look outrageously good!

  5. Oh, toffee bits...another great choice for topping! I love how yours look in that martini glass, so classy!! It was a great recipe, one I look forward to making again. Thanks for baking this week!

  6. Fantastic truffles and gorgeously presented. Cheers!

  7. So smart of you to check out other blogs before baking. I wish I had so I would have used more peanut butter.

    I like the look of the toffee bits and love your presentation.

  8. I bet they taste as good as they look!

  9. Love your presentation! They look great in the martini glass. Toffee bits sound amazing. Will tuck that idea away for next time. :)

  10. Oh, wow! I have been sitting here all evening without heading for a snack but these delicious looking treats are so tempting! I LOVE peanut butter anything!

    Nice stopping by!
    Kindly, ldh

  11. Ooo, I bet these were delicious with the toffee! I think you and Karen were on to something with quartering the recipe and using the full amount of peanut butter, and semisweet chocolate would help boost the peanut butter flavor, too. Nicely done!

  12. Beautiful presentation!!! And my gosh... what a yummy recipe.

  13. I've been enjoying looking at everyone's SMS truffles. Yours look delicious!

  14. Glad to be of service! They look amazing! I will definitely use semi sweet chocolate next time.

  15. I love your picture with the truffles in the martini glass! Semi-sweet chocolate seems to have gone over better. I wish I had tried a little of both.

    Thanks for the congrats on the marathon!

  16. I am really looking forward to trying these again with either milk chocolate or semisweet. It definitely seems like the bittersweet chocolate overpowered the peanut butter! Your truffles look fabulous :)

    I cannot wait to start visiting lots of Farmer's Markets this summer!


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