
Monday, March 15, 2010

Sad Sally's Cupcakes - MSC

Shortly after we were married my husband began calling me Sally. Where it came from, I am not sure but it stuck and it's become my nickname. Seemed only fitting to title this post, Sad Sally's Cupcakes.

Megan from My Baking Adventures chose this month's Martha Stewart Cupcake Club recipe, Lemon Meringue Cupcakes. The cupcakes were easy to put together and turned out beautifully. They have a beautiful lemony flavor and fragrance. It's the steps after this where Sally's cupcakes went south. I frosted 5 cupcakes with the Seven Minute Frosting. The two in the photo are the best of the bunch. You should see some of the others but I am not posting those.

The cupcakes are topped with Lemon Curd and Seven Minute Frosting. Lemon Curd is on my list of Top 50 recipes. I can cross that one off the list. I love the flavor of this lemon curd. Since I only used a little bit of it, I am looking forward to finding other recipes to use the remainder.

If you follow my blog, you know taking a cake decorating class is one of my 2010 blogging goals. Recently I purchased a cheap piping bag. It came with 5 tips. Of course they weren't marked as to which tip was which. There was a star tip but I think it was too small for this frosting. As I was struggling to get the frosting in the bag and then struggling even more to pipe it on the cupcakes, I was thinking how much I wish I knew how to pipe frosting. This is another one of those recipes where my mother would have said, "You get an A for effort".

I really liked the flavor of these cupcakes. I would make them again with a lemon frosting or possibly the Seven Minute Frosting AFTER I learn to pipe.

Check out the posts of the other Martha Stewart Cupcake bakers, I know you'll find lots of cupcakes that aren't sad!

One Year Ago - Nana's Quick Chocolate Cake


  1. I am terrible with cake decorating and have no idea which tip is which and everything always explodes out the back end of the bag when I use it!

  2. They look beautiful :) And super delish too :)

  3. teehee--i still think they look great!

  4. So Pretty!-The Peppered Pantry~

  5. They look fine. :) If you place the bag, with the tip already on it, in a glass and fold the excess over the rim of the glass it will make filling it much easier. If we lived closer I would love to help you learn to pipe and decorate.

  6. I've have many turn out not so well in photos also. You just never know! The lemon curd sounds divine and I love to bake with it; very refreshing and tasty! Yours look great!!! And I wish I had one right now! Yum!!!

  7. P.S. I forgot. Kind of cute with your name and I'm just wondering what your name actually is since your hubby christened you Sally....

  8. Sad Sally! how very cute. ;) I, too, love this curd recipe. the piled-high swirls are awesome, actually!

  9. Ciao ! I love lemony things so I should definitely give these a try !!! I think decorating is mostly practice and they aren't bad at all !!!

  10. Pretty! I think that piping is all about experimenting and practice. Mostly practice and seeing what YOU like. I really love my Wilton 1M - it is a big star shape that I love making swirls with.

  11. Well they look scrumptious to me! Well done.

  12. They tasted great, right? THAT's what matters!

  13. Aww! I think you're being too hard on yourself because these look wonderful! I always say it's how things taste that matters.

  14. My cake decorating skills suck. I think your cupcakes look great.

  15. Just takes practice. Keep going. They look great. This was actually a very sticky frosting to pipe, but mine stayed soft.

  16. Haha! This frosting looks funny!

  17. They look terrific to me! Piping takes practice - I think that's definitely the trick to getting better at it, as is the case with most things. I loved the lemon curd - glad you got a chance to cross it off your list. I have a lemon curd ice cream on my site which is amazing if you're looking for ways to use the rest up :)


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