
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Banana Pecan Cupcakes - MS Cupcake Club

When I saw the Banana Pecan Cupcakes were this months bonus bake in the MS Cupcake Club, I was thrilled. My husband has a banana almost every morning with his cereal and I always have bananas in the freezer. My go to recipe for bananas is Mrs. Flint's Bread but I am always looking for new and different banana recipes.

Sometimes a cupcake can be more like a muffin. For me, this is one of those cupcakes. You can find the other MS Cupcake Club members who participated in this bonus bake here.

On another note, I love chocolate and I would love to start a baking group based on Chocolate Epiphany by Francois Payard. If you like to join me in this yummy baking adventure, please leave a comment.


  1. Really?! You thought it was more like a muffin? That is so weird because I thought they were great as cupcakes.

    Yours look great! And I am like your husband, I love bananas!

    Thanks for doing the bonus challenge with us this month! You are awesome! :)

  2. I thought mine were more like a banana bread than a cupcake. Yours do look great.

    Another baking club!??!?! I want to but.... i'll need some more details first.

  3. Another baking club? I would....but I just cant. At least not now. I eat too much sweets already eek!

    Yours look so nice!

  4. Regarding the baking group, I am thinking we'd do just one recipe a month. I'd also like to keep the group small. I find groups like TWD overwhelming. I love the group but find it hard to comment, so many members.

  5. I agree.. more like a muffin.. but the buttercream does give it the cupcake feel.

  6. Mine were more like cupcakes actually. But yours sure look great. And even though you didn't go all out on the frosting, vanilla with cinnamon sugar sounds uber good!

  7. I agree that mine was more of a muffin but, nevertheless, a yummy muffin! :D I made two batches and still had more bananas leftover! I tossed those in the freezer as well.

  8. Your cupcakes look soo great! I am glad that everyone enjoyed these! I love bananas too!

  9. well, I've eaten 3 this morning trying to decide muffin/cupcake?? I think I better try one more just to be sure. I do know they are delicious! I went with chocolate sour cream frosting. They are tasty tor sure! I could be interested in the chocolate group. I will have to take a look at that cookbook. Thanks!


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