Monday, April 25, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Last week, Susan at Life, Kids and Genealogy awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. Thanks, Susan!!

As a winner of this award you're to pass this award on to 15 bloggers. I'd like to award this to all of you!! You're all such fabulous bloggers and I so appreciate your comments on my blog. In addition, the winners of this award are to share 10 things about themselves. Since there's no Meet Me on Monday today, I thought this would be a great day for this post.
  1. Until 5 years ago, I'd lived all of my life in Kansas City. On the Kansas side, primarily in Overland Park.
  2. I am afraid of heights. Not sure where this fear came from. I am one of those annoying people who take a big pause before stepping on an escalator.
  3. I love purses and shoes. Although, the older I get the more I am about comfort in stead of style in those shoes.
  4. I'd like to own a Bed and Breakfast or a small cafe/bakery that only serves breakfast and lunch.
  5. I DVR the fourth hour of The Today Show every day. I love the banter between Kathie Lee and Hoda.
  6. I am a NASCAR fan. Jimmie Johnson is my guy! (And yes, I was a Jimmie fan before he won the chase five seasons in a row.)
  7. My favorite cocktail is a glass of white wine.
  8. I am hooked on Angry Birds and Words With Friends. Although I am much better at Angry Birds than Words With Friends, less thought required for Angry Birds!!!
  9. Tops on my bucket list is a trip to Italy.
  10. My natural hair color is a medium brown or at least it I think it was. My hair hasn't been it's natural color since I was a teenager. Unfortunately, now I think the natural color would be grey?
Anything you'd like to share about yourself?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pink Saturday - Signs of Spring

I've been a little lax in posting Pink Saturday the past couple of weeks. Seems I haven't had much pink to share. I wish I could say these beautiful pink tulips were from my garden but I can't. They're from Trader Joe's. Trader Joe's always has the most beautiful flowers and the most reasonable prices.

Happy Easter and Pink Saturday everyone!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nacho Cheese Chicken Chowder

If you read my blog, you know I use my slow cooker a lot. The slow cooker is perfect for soups! I am always looking for new soup recipes to try. I found this great soup recipe over at My Kind of Cooking. Linda has the best recipes!!

I only had one can of Rotel tomatoes on hand, so I used regular diced tomatoes for the second can. Am I glad I made this change! I can't handle really spicy recipes. If I had used two cans of Rotel, this would have been too spicy for me. The cheese thickens the soup and adds a delicious flavor dimension. This one's a keeper, we'll be having it again soon!

Nacho Cheese Chicken Chowder
Recipe Courtesy of Linda at My Kind of Cooking

1 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into 1/2 inch pieces
2 (14.5 ounce) cans Mexican style tomatoes, undrained
1 (10 3/4 ounce) can nacho cheese soup
1 (10 ounce) package frozen whole kernel corn
Shredded Mexican style or cheddar cheese

In slow cooker, combine chicken, tomatoes, soup, and corn. Mix well. Cover. Cook on low 4 to 5 hours or high 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Sprinkle each serving with cheese. makes 6 servings.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

In My Garden

On Thursday's last summer, I attempted to feature something growing in my yard. As the snow started to fly and the wind started to blow, I changed my Thursday posts to From The Good Life. Although, we're not getting a lot of warmer Spring weather, signs of Spring are starting to appear.

Tim built a raised bed last year and for the first time I planted oregano and sage. After the first frost, we covered the sage and oregano with straw. Our winter this year was pretty darn cold and I was concerned, especially in a raised bed, my herbs wouldn't come back this Spring. Just a week or so ago, Tim uncovered them and said to take a look because they were starting to show signs of life. Excited they survived, I googled to see when or if I should cut them back. Yes, you should trim them but only after they start to show a lot of new growth. This past Sunday, I went out to trim them back and as it turns out there wasn't much old growth to get rid of. If you've ever wanted to grow sage or oregano and wondered if they would come back, give them a try. I bet they will come back for you!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Root Beer Pulled Pork

Pulled pork is one of those dishes that is perfect for a slow cooker. I am always looking for new and different ways to prepare a pork loin. I've read about Coca Cola and Dr. Pepper pork loins but have never made one. I love Root Beer and just happened to have a couple of bottles in the fridge when I saw this recipe. Tiffanee of One Crazy Cookie has a fun blog and shares some great recipes.

This is a delicious recipe for pulled pork. The root beer adds a nice sweetness that blends well with any tangy BBQ sauce. Being from Kansas City, I'd like to think I know my BBQ sauces. My favorites are from two of Kansas City's best barbeque restaurant's, Jack's Stack and Gates. I used the Gates in this recipe, it's a little more tangy and a little less sweet than Jack's Stack. This makes a lot, perfect for a crowd or to freeze for a quick weeknight dinner.

Crock Pot Root Beer Pulled Pork
adapted from Gooseberry Patch
Courtesy of One Crazy Cookie

2 cups onions sliced and divided
2 Tablespoons minced garlic
4 pound pork roast (loin is best)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons liquid smoke (optional)
3 cups Root Beer divided
16 oz bottle BBQ sauce ( or two cups)

Place 1 cup onions and the garlic it the bottom of the crock pot. Sprinkle roast with salt and pepper, place in crock pot. Add 1 1/2 cups root beer and liquid smoke. Cover and cook on low setting for 8-10 hours or on high setting for 5 hours. Remove roast and set aside to cool. Discard onion and liquid in crock pot. In a saucepan, bring the BBQ sauce and 1 1/2 cups root beer to a boil and then simmer for 15-25 minutes. When roast is cool enough to handle, shred with a fork. Discard fat. Return shredded meat to the crock pot. Stir in sauce mixture and remaining onion. Cover and cook on high for 1-3 hours, until the onion is soft.

* I didn't add onions to the sauce. I added the sauce and cooked another hour. We were hungry!
* Be careful with the liquid smoke. Too much can be overpowering!!!

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Tuesday's at the Table and Tuesday Night Supper Club.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Happy Monday!! Is it Springtime where you are? It's chilly here and the forecast is for rain off and on all week.

Meet Me on Monday is a fun blog party hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. Since first participating a few weeks ago, I've met a lot of great new bloggers.

1. Caesar Salad or Garden Salad?
Hands down, Garden Salad.

2. Will you be watching the Royal Wedding on April 29th?
I would be but we'll be camping that weekend. Tim's hinting we need a TV. He just saw this question and said, "See if we had a TV, you could watch the wedding."

3. Last thing you spent lots of money on?
This is an interesting are we defining lots of money? I think Tim would think lots of money is the last purse I bought. Assuming we're defining lots of money as a big purchase? It would be the camper we just bought. It's a used camper, so relatively speaking it's still not lots of money,as campers go!

4. Window seat or aisle seat?
Depends...if I am flying alone, it's an aisle seat. If I am flying with Tim, it's a window and hope no one takes the middle.

5. Do you know your blood type?
Yep, O+

I hope everyone has a great Monday and a wonderful week!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam - Revisited - SMS

SMS is drawing to a close and we're only posting twice a month. I miss posting SMS weekly. It's been a great way to end or start the week. The SMS bakers are such a talented bunch. It's been fun getting to know them. This month's host, Tracey of Tracey's Culinary Advertures, is one of those talented members! You can find the recipe on her blog. If you want to check out the other SMS members thoughts on this jam, you can find the links to their blogs here!

I made this week's SMS recipe last Fall. I've given several jars to friends and everyone raves about it! Funny how I always thought jam was so hard to make. If you've never made jam, give this recipe a try. It's easy and the flavor is amazing!