
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Butterscotch Banana Bread - SRC

I have two exciting things to share today!  First it's Secret Recipe Club reveal day, seems like it's been forever.  Second,  I am now a member of Secret Recipe Club Group C!  I've been in Secret Recipe Club since  May 2011 and have always been a member of Group B.  When our leader said she was looking for a few volunteers to change groups, I volunteered.  I loved my fellow bloggers in Group B but change is always good!!  If you're not familiar with Secret Recipe Club, you can find out all about it here!  SRC is so much fun, one of my favorite things about blogging.  

This month I was assigned, Steak N Potatoes Kinda Gurl.  Desiree describes herself as " indecisive, messy, a night owl, emotional, guarded at times, an introvert, shy, impatient, stubborn, sarcastic, and pessimistic at times, yet loyal, detailed, empathic, silly, intelligent, hard working, friendly, humble, mature yet a kid at heart, open-minded, and thoughtful. " Sounds like qualities for a great friend.  She writes poetry and has some great recipes on her blog.  Check it out!!

The recipe that really caught my eye was her Butterscotch Banana Bread.  I love banana bread!  No matter the flavor, it's a delicious treat with morning coffee.  Have you ever made French Toast out of leftover bread (if there is any)?  Delicious!!!

When I began gathering ingredients, I realized I did not have any butter.  I substituted 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons of olive oil.  Also, her recipe called for melting the butterscotch chips, I chose to stir them in instead!!

I love the addition of butterscotch to this moist and delicious banana bread.  If you're looking for a new version of banana bread, give this one a try!!!

Butterscotch Banana Bread

*Makes 1 loaf
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
  • 1 cup mashed ripe banana
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup butterscotch chips, melted

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Coat a 9-inch loaf pan with cooking spray.

In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium heat and cook 3 minutes, whisking frequently until butter foams and turns golden brown. Whisk in mashed banana and cook for 2 minutes, stirring until creamy.

In a medium mixing bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. In a separate large mixing bowl, whisk together the butter-banana mixture and brown sugar until combined. Then whisk in the eggs and vanilla until combined.

Sift the dry flour mixture into the wet banana mixture, folding in and combining until well mixed, like a batter.
Pour batter into greased pan. Swirl the melted butterscotch into the batter using a knife or any other appropriate utensil. Bake 40 minutes or until golden brown and cooked through. A toothpick should come out clean when inserted into the loaf. Cool completely before slicing.


  1. The butterscotch is a nice addition! Enjoy:@)

  2. YUM! I'm always looking for new banana bread recipes and love how simple this one who can't go wrong with butterscotch. Great seeing you in Group C too!

  3. welcome to group C too! i'm new too, from group A. this sounds like a great bread. my mom would sometimes stir in butterscotch chips into banana bread, but i like the idea of swirling them in, too! :) mmm.

  4. This butterscotch sounds like a wonderful addition to a standard banana bread recipe. Welcome to group C as well. Hope to see much more from you

  5. Love the butterscotch! Welcome to Group C!

  6. I love banana bread, I can just imagine how rich and delicious it must be with the addition of butterscotch!

  7. I love the idea of adding butterscotch to banana bread. Such a great mix of flavours!


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