
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Spicy Zucchini Stix

Can you believe it's August?  Where did summer go?  And how about the year?  Don't you wish we had a way to slow down time?  One event that I'm glad comes around each month is Secret Recipe Club.  Not familiar with SRC?  You can find the details here!

This month I am honored to be assigned Miz Helen of Miz Helen's Country Blogspot.  Miz Helen has 7 children, 12 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.  She is a cookbook author, former business owner, art and Bible teacher.  Check out her blog and her Full Plate Tuesday party!!!

Zucchini season is here and who doesn't love Zucchini Stix?  I was tempted by Miz Helen's addition of cumin and chipotle powder to the crumbs in these Spicy Zucchini Stix!  Instead of traditional marinara sauce for dipping, you use salsa!  I used some of my salsa for dipping but you can the link to  Miz Helen's recipe below!

Spicy Zucchini Stix
2 to 3 medium Zucchini cut into strips
2 egg whites
1 whole egg
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup Panko Crumbs
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon Chipotle chili powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Olive Oil
Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Wash the Zucchini and cut into 1/2 inch X 3 inch strips
Place the strips onto a layer of paper towels and generously sprinkle with salt, set aside
This process will allow the extra moisture to be pulled out of the Zucchini
Next, in a medium bowl  mix the flour, Panko crumbs, cumin, Chipotle chili powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper together
In a medium bowl whip the egg whites and the whole egg with 1/4 cup water until mixed well
With a paper towel pat the tops of the Zucchini strips until the moisture has been removed
For the breading process, take just a few at a time so you get really good coverage on all sides
Drop several strips into the egg mixture and then into the flour and panko mixture
Generously oil a baking sheet with olive oil 
Place the breaded strip onto a well oiled baking sheet making sure that each strip has room and is not touching the other strip
Bake uncovered for 20 minutes then turn the squash strips and continue to cook another 15 to 20 minutes until lightly browned
Remove from the oven and let cool for 30 minutes before serving
Serve with Salsa




  1. These sound lovely and crispy - great for a light meal.

  2. Love the addition of cumin and chipotle, they sound great:@)

  3. What a delicious way to use up extra zucchini! If I served it this way, my youngest daughter might even even it.

  4. I might be able to get my husband to eat some zucchini prepared this way :) It looks delicious!

    I am so sad that it's almost the middle of August already. After school starts it seems like the summer is over.

  5. Zucchini can burst at the seams in the garden….This is a great way to enjoy this sometimes abundant vegetable.

  6. I just made something similar the other night and it was so good! My kids gobbled it up! I didn't even think to serve them with a dipping sauce.

  7. I love zucchini fries! This is a great variation! I had your blog this month and made your Chicken Enchiladas Suiza. Sooo yummy!

  8. what a great way to get the kids to want to eat veggies, they look yummy!

  9. This spicy kick sounds great. Might be a way to get my husband to eat zucchini (he's weird like that).

  10. Hi Julie,
    I was so excited to see that you had my blog this month, we have been in the SRC together for a very long time now. You did a great job with the Spicy Zucchini Stix and thanks so much for your kind comments! Hope you are having a great day and thanks for sharing.
    Miz Helen
    SRC Group B

  11. Sounds like a fun and tasty variation on the usual zucchini fries! I may have to give it a try with some of the zucchini we have. :)

  12. Miz Helen is such a sweetheart, isn't she? The zucchini stix sound so yummy and dipping in salsa is a wonderful idea.


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