
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Roasted Onions and Radishes

Have you ever roasted radishes?  As with most vegetables, roasting brings out their sweetness.   It's CSA time and we had radishes from our own garden.  I wanted to do something else besides just serve them on salads.  These were sweet with just a little bit of crunch and a nice tang from the balsamic.

 Roasted Radishes and Onions
  • 3-4 bunches of radishes- trimmed, topped and tailed (about 20 radishes depending on the size, allow 2-3 per person)
  • 4-6 onions (I used large green onions) peeled, cut onion into 4 or 6 wedges (like a wedge of lemon)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil (approx.) to sprinkle over
  • salt to sprinkle (Kosher, Madon)
  • Drizzle of balsamic vinegar glaze


Toss the radishes and onion wedges in olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Roast in a hot oven (400) for approximately 35-40 minutes, stirring a couple of times until the onions are crispy and the radishes fairly tender when tested with a sharp knife tip.
Sprinkle over the balsamic vinegar.   Serve as a side dish or as a vegetable dish along side roast meat.


  1. I've never had warm radishes, sounds interesting! Your balsamic looks yummy too-enjoy:@)

  2. The first time I had roasted radishes was at a gourmet group gathering hosted by friends. We loved them and I've made them several times since. They added the fresh radish greens too which were delicious. I like the idea of combining them with onions!

  3. I roasted radishes and so impressed by how much roasting changes them!

  4. Those look very different, but good!

  5. I never know what to do with radishes. What a great way to serve them!


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