
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Box Oven S'mores Brownies - Secret Recipe Club

My assigned blog for this month's Secret Recipe Club is Angela's Kitchen.  Angela cooks gluten and dairy free.  If you are looking for a gluten or dairy free recipe, check out Angela's blog.  You'll be able to enjoy many of the same recipes, while following a gluten or dairy free diet.

I spent quite a bit of time on Angela's blog trying to decide what to make.   I really wanted to bake one of her great recipes but was concerned about the substitution of non gluten free products in her recipes.  After much deliberation, I settled on her Box Oven S'more Brownies but chose to make them in a regular oven.  If you're a camper or have kids this would be such a fun recipe to try.

Serves: 16 to 20

  • 1 gluten free box brownie mix (or homemade), batter made dairy free according to instructions
  • 2 cups gluten free mini marshmallows
  • 1 cup broken and crumbled gluten free graham crackers or gluten free sugar cones
  • 12″x8″ foil pan
  • oil for pan
  • Box oven
  1. Set up box oven. See this post ( for instructions. While charcoal is flaming and heating up, make gluten free brownie mix according to instructions on box.
  2. Oil foil pan. Pour batter into pan, patting out batter to cover the entire pan. Sprinkle crushed gluten free graham crackers evenly over batter, then add mini-marshmallows.
  3. When coals are ready, place brownies on cans in box oven. Set the box over brownies and allow to bake for 5 minutes longer than the longest bake time on the brownie batter box (in the case of Better Batter Brownie Mix, allow to bake for 30 minutes) before checking to see if brownie bars are done. Bars are done when bakes through in center and marshmallows have melted and browned slightly.
  4. Remove brownies from box oven and allow to cool before slicing.
  5. To bake these at home, bake in a 350 degree F oven for the shortest time on your baking mix box before checking for doneness.


  1. Preparing a gluten-free dessert can be a bit tricky but I am thankful that there are now a lot of simple, gluten-free recipes available. Thanks for sharing this. I will make them soon.


  2. I love the look of the brownies with the marshmallows on top. What a fun dessert. I am gluten free and always looking for interesting recipes.

  3. What a fun recipe! Looks like a great gluten-free, dairy-free alternative.

  4. S'mores brownies are super yummy! Nice SRC choice!

  5. I always have a box of brownies in the pantry - this is a great idea!

  6. What a great way to use brownie mix and a unique way of cooking it! Great SRC choice!

  7. looks great a new way to use brownie mix. great SRC pick.

  8. S'mores anything, gluten free or not, is always good!

  9. You had me at s'mores :) I love anything s'mores and these brownies look delicious!!

  10. These brownies s'more's look delicious. Gluten-free or not, if it is good, then I am there to enjoy it.


  11. These look utterly delicious... as I have gotten older, my sweet tooth has gotten smaller and smaller but something like this definitely gets my attention! My boyfriend has several kiddos who come stay every other weekend and this would be a great treat to make for them!

  12. Hi Julie,
    These are fabulous Brownies and a great selection for the SRC!

  13. I'm a huge S'mores fan and these look great


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