
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Grilled Romaine

There's almost always a package of romaine lettuce in my refrigerator. We enjoy the flavor and it seems to keep well. Now that summer is here, I wanted to grilling the romaine. Pretty confident you just brush them with olive oil, sprinkle on some salt and pepper before grilling them, I wasn't sure I needed a recipe. However, I wasn't sure how long to leave them on the grill. I ran across this recipe and was intrigued by the use of the red wine vinegar granita.

If you haven't tried grilling romaine, try it soon!  We love it!  The combination of the char and red wine vinegar granita give the lettuce a nice smoky tang!

  Grilled Romaine
Recipe Courtesy of Alton Brown
1/2 cup red wine vinegar
2 hearts of romaine, rinsed and patted dry
1 tablespoon olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper
1 cup finely grated Parmesan
Vegetable spray, for pan


Place vinegar in shallow pan and place in the freezer. Allow the vinegar to freeze, approximately 2 hours. Once frozen, scrape with a fork to create a shaved ice texture. Return the vinegar to the freezer until ready to use.

Cut each heart of romaine in half lengthwise so that the root keeps each piece together. Lightly brush the cut side of the romaine pieces with olive oil. Season with the pepper. Place the cheese in a shallow pan large enough to lay the romaine in and press the cheese firmly onto the cut side of the romaine until it adheres.

Spray a nonstick griddle or saute pan with vegetable spray and preheat over medium-high heat. Place the romaine in the pan and cook until the cheese turns golden, approximately 1 to 2 minutes Place the romaine, cheese side up onto plates and sprinkle with the vinegar ice. Serve immediately.

I am linking this to On The Menu Monday and Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday!


  1. I have not had grilled romaine lettuce but, I have tasted it and I can attest it is fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing.


  2. Sounds like a great side dish when grilling out:@)

  3. What a fabulous way to serve romaine! I've never thought of grilling it, but now I'm dying to try.

  4. oo very interesting! And such a fun way to eat romaine in a new way!

  5. I haven't tried it this way for sure! Very innovative indeed!

  6. Julie, this looks good! I have romaine in my fridge right now and this would be fun to try.


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