
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Lucky Leprechaun Bark

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!  Earlier today when I went to the grocery store, the cashier said people had been buying beer since 6:00 a.m. this morning!! 

Not being a big beer drinker, I am celebrating St. Pat's Day with this Leprechaun Bark.  I am sure you've seen these bark recipes out on the blogsphere.  There's one for every holiday.  They're fun and easy to make!

Following the recipe, I didn't think there were enough cookies on the cookie sheet.  I doubled the amount of cookies .  In hindsight, I think maybe one and a half would have been just right.  Because I had so many cookies my melted chocolate didn't spread out evenly, so I used a spatuala to even it out.  Like most recipes, I learned something for the next time I make it and there will be a next time!!!

Lucky Leprechaun Bark
Your Homebased Mom

14 whole Mint Girl Scout Cookies, broken up. 1 1/2 C pretzels, broken into pieces.  I used the small stick pretzels.
1 lb. Milk Chocolate Bark, almond bark or melts found in the bulk food section
1 C Green M & M's (the new mint flavor are all green!)
Green and White Sprinkles

Cover a large cookie sheet with wax paper.  Spread broken cookes, pretzels and about 3/4 C of the candy corn onto the waxed paper.  Place white chocolate in a container and microwave for 1 1/2 minutes.  Stir and then microwave for another 30 seconds until melted and smooth. 

Drizzle the melted chocolate over the cookie mixture, spreading with spatula if needed to coat evenly.  Sprinkle remaining M & M's and colored sprinkles over the chocolate while it is still wet.  Do not let it harden.  Place cookie tray into refrigerator until set and firm.  Remove and gently break bark into small pieces.  Store in air tight container.

I am linking this to On The Menu Monday, Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday and Foodie Friday.


  1. Sounds like a festive treat Julie! Happy St. Patty's Day-enjoy:@)

  2. So pretty, and so holiday-appropriate! I think you have to admire the devotion of those people who were buying beer at 6 am ... I don't know what else to say!

  3. Oh my goodness, Girl Scout cookies and other goodies to make bark... yummy! I could eat that entire batch! Thanks for bringing the sweet treat to ON THE MENU MONDAY!

  4. Now that's a delicious way to celebrate!!

  5. I can't tell you how many times I've said 'next time I'll do it this way' after making a new recipe :) I'll bet they still tasted great!

  6. This is perfect for St. Patrick's Julie! You can't go wrong with chocolate anyway!

  7. I'm not a beer drinker, either, but I sure love my sweets and this sounds like a perfect treat.

  8. Hi Julie,
    Your Leprechaun Bark looks delicious and would be a great snack! Hope you are having a great weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  9. Hi Julie - Have enjoyed your blog for a while but this is my first comment! Might try these with a twist of Easter M&M's and call them Bunny Bark! They look so good. :)


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