
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Crafty Christmas

I don't really consider myself crafty!  Pinterest has turned even me into a crafter!  Every time I am on Pinterest I am inspired by all of the great DIY ideas out there!  Kudos to all of you creative people who come up with these great crafts!!

Two years ago I bought a roll of Deco Mesh, convinced I would (could) make a wreath or garland out of it.  Last year, time got away from me and the Deco Mesh remained in the boxes with the Christmas decorations.  This year, determined to use it, I decided to make a garland for the mantle.  Armed with the Deco Mesh, pipe cleaners and some ribbon, I made the garland! It was fun and easy.  The biggest challenge is how to attach it to the mantle.  I have some mesh leftover and am thinking of making bows for our garage lights.  

Our downstairs family room / bar area is decorated in a wine theme.  We have a small pencil Christmas tree in that room.  Last year I remember thinking how  great it would be to decorate this tree in a wine theme but decided against it because it would mean buying all new ornaments.  This Spring when we were in wine country, I purchased a key chain made from a wine cork.  At the time, I thought, I could do this.  I should make these for gifts or to sell.  Last week while browsing on Pinterest, I saw this same idea turned into Christmas ornaments.  Tim reminded me I had "those" beads I purchased when I took beading classes a few years ago.  With Tim's help (THANK YOU, TIM), we now have a tree in the family room with a wine theme!!!

A few weeks ago our local home improvement store, Menards, had those fun glass blocks on sale.  I picked up a couple.  I know Tim thought they were going end up, undecorated, in the box with the Christmas decorations, along with the Deco Mesh (from last year) at the end of the season.  Convinced I was going to prove him wrong, I did some searching on Pinterest.  I found some fun lettering sets for the blocks but they were a bit expensive and I really didn't want to spend a lot on something that was only going to be out for a few weeks each year.  I did find a pin on Pinterest showing the glass block wrapped like a present!  Ribbon and some sort of embellishment, seems easy enough.  I can do this!  I even think if I change embellishment on these, they can be Valentines Day blocks, too!!

What crafts have you made this holiday season?
I am linking this to  Homespun Christmas and Make It Pretty Monday at The Dedicated House


  1. I LOVE the wine cork idea! We have so many corks, and I keep telling myself I'm going to do something fun, creative and crafty with them. What a perfect idea!!
    A few weeks ago I participated in an ornament show and tell.
    Along with your cork ornaments seeing what other beauties adorn your tree would be fun to see!!
    Happy Tuesday!

  2. I like the pretty glass wrapped in a bow. Sadly I am bow-challenged so it wouldn't end up pretty for me.

  3. Everything looks great! Love your fun cork ornaments! We used to have a Mimosa the last day of work before Christmas at an old job (many years ago) and I would write the year on the champagne corks in glitter paint and use them on the tree:@)

  4. You are the DIY queen! Everything looks great!

  5. You definitely ARE crafty! Your tree and decorations are amazing.

  6. Love what you created; looks very Christmasy and fun.


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