
Thursday, October 4, 2012

From The Good Life

It's hard to believe a year ago we were frantically packing in preparation to move.  When Tim and I began looking at our house, we knew one of the first things we wanted to do after we moved in was to add some landscaping.  This house had virtually no landscaping.  There was one small tree and two, almost dead, petunias in the front of the house.  

Each week, during the summer, our homeowners association awards "Yard of the Week"
A little over a week ago, Tim and I were surprised with this sign in our yard.


  1. Congrats! Your yard looks great and how nice of the neighbors to notice:@)

  2. Congratulations! I'm glad you guys are enjoying your new place so much.

  3. Your yard look so pretty, it's a very well deserved win! Congrats!

  4. What a great honor! Congratulations on all the hard work - it really paid off.

  5. Aww, congratulations!! I love the bicycle as yard decor. It looks so pretty!!

  6. Hi Julie, I tried to respond to your comment, but I noticed that you're a "no reply blogger". For my chili, I just put the whole Dutch oven, covered, in my oven at 220 degrees and cook it all day. It makes a big pot of chili. Have a great weekend!!

  7. excellent landscaping. i like the yellow sunflower.

  8. How exciting--congratulations on your award! Your landscape looks beautiful now. It was so nice to hear from you over at my blog today. Glad you liked the tomatillo salsa post, and I actually wrote a post the day before that one about tips for growing tomatillos, so you can check it out at my blog if you like. Take care, and have a wonderful new week!


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