
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Don Meredith's Casserole

Usually it's the picture or ingredients in a recipe that draw me in. With this one it was the name, Don Meredith Casserole. I remember Dandy Don as the colorful football commentator in the 70's.

If you're looking for a recipe that puts a new twist on spaghetti, give this one a try. It's easy to put together and makes a great weeknight supper.

Don Meredith Casserole
Recipe Courtesy of You Go Girl
8 oz thin spaghetti
1 onion, diced
Olive Oil
1 1/2 lbs ground round,
salt/pepper to taste
Garlic powder
Lawry's seasoned salt
Chili powder
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of tomato soup
Dash of Worcestershire sauce
Grated sharp cheddar cheese

Cook spaghetti until just tender. brown onion in butter. Add ground round and cook until browned. Add salt, pepper and seasonings to taste. Add mushroom soup, tomato soup and Worcestershire sauce together, cover and simmer 15 minutes. Put into a casserole,top with cheese and heat in oven until cheese melts. (I just sprinkled the cheese on top and it melted fine.)

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday, Miz Helen's Full Plate Thursday and Foodie Friday.


  1. Apart from great looking it seems very easy too! This is ideal for my hectic weekdays!

  2. It's usually the photo that draws me in and then the ingredients. This sounds very tasty!

  3. Julie, this sounds easy and delish. I'm sure my grandson will love it for our lunch tomorrow. Have a Happy Easter in your new home!

  4. Julie - So glad you loved this recipe! Growing up in Texas, I also have fond memories of Dandy Don. Thanks always visiting my blog and leaving nice feedback! Hope you enjoyed this beautiful day in Omaha!

  5. I haven't heard of Don Meredith in ages! Thanks for the blast from the past.

  6. I remember Don Meredith he is an All American Treasure, and this recipe is awesome! Hope you have a fabulous Celebration Week End and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  7. What a simple interesting dish. Please share this on my foodie friday linky.

  8. No sure I've ever heard of Don Meredith, but this spaghetti sounds good. Looks like straight up comfort food!

  9. I've never heard of this or Don Meredith before...but it definitely seems like some serious comfort food to me!

  10. I loved Dandy Don! He was a fun personality against Howard Cosell! Fun blast from the past. Didn't he hawk Iced tea or something, too? I didn't know he had a casserole, it looks so good!

  11. Sometime a cool name is all the encouragement I need to try a recipe..I'm always up for a good retro casserole too.


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