
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Nutella Scones - Club Baked

I love nutella! The combination of chocolate and hazelnuts is so rich and delicious! This recipe combines chocolate scones with a nutella filling. I love the way the Baked bakers instruct you to make the scones. You make a square, fold them and then cut them in triangles. So much easier than the ways I have formed scones in the past.

My scones were a little dry. I think I overbaked them just slightly. I am still trying to get baking right in my new convection oven. I also think they needed more nutella in the middle. All in all I was a little disappointed.

If you'd like to give these a try, you can find the recipe at the PhDcupcaker. Check out the other Club Baked baker's scones here!

I am linking this to Miz Helen's Full plate Thursday, Foodie Friday and Sweet Tooth Friday.


  1. Nutella fiend - right here. These are a need-to-try!

  2. Julie - These look good, even if you thought they were a little dry. This was my first attempt at scones. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I agree that they could have used even more Nutella. They weren't sweet enough for me. Also, I noticed that you are in Omaha, NE. We are moving to Lincoln, NE this summer!

  3. I thought they were a little dry also. I think another fold and a second layer of Nutella would have been nice to add moisture. But I was afraid to over work the dough.

  4. Definitely need more nutella in the middle but mine didnt come out so dry. Yours look great.

  5. You might be disappointed, but the photos look yummy enough to me!

  6. Too bad they were disappointing, they look great. I'd love the flavor of the nutella in a scone!

  7. I did add extra Nutella in mine. I think that may be the trick. Mine did not seem dry. They look tasty.

  8. Great job! More Nutella could never hurt.....right?

  9. Oh no - I liked mine! Maybe you'll like the next recipe in the book!

  10. I wouldn't give up on the recipe. It always takes me a while to figure out a new oven. The concept sounds great!

  11. Your scones look beautiful, and your photos are fantastic. I thought mine were a little dry also. I agree with some of the comments~more Nutella in the dough!!

  12. I'm with you, Nutella is awesome. I thought the dough could have been a little more sweeter (even though I added extra sugar). But you slather Nutella on top of most anything and it tastes good!

  13. Mine came out a little dry too. They still look great though :)

  14. Mine weren't dry at all, but I pulled them out the second they were done. And I drizzled a ton of nutella on top, so that helped!

  15. I so wanted to have time to make these - even bought the Nutella, but didn't have time. Will note adding more Nutella. How was your trip?

  16. They do look good! I will have to get a new stove soon; a bit nervous about convection. I guess it comes with practice; still trying to decide.

  17. Hi Julie,
    Those Nutella Scones sure do look good. This is a great recipe. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen


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