
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Soft Caramels - Club Baked

As you're reading this, Tim and I are on our way to Florida. We're taking our first ever 10 day cruise! Even more awesome, I won this cruise. We attended a wine tasting at our local Hy Vee store last Spring. As we were leaving, there was a drawing to enter. We both looked at each other, shrugging and saying we never win anything but stopped to fill out the entry. Needless to say, I am so glad we did. I won't be stopping by to visit for the next couple of weeks. I am hoping to have some amazing sunsets as well as a recap of the Chef's Table to share with you after we return.

Caramels are one of my favorite candies. The movement towards salted caramels increases my love even more. Salty and sweet together are the best.

According to the Baked Explorations recipe, the caramels should take about 7 minutes to reach the desired temperature. Mine were there in about four minutes, causing me to scramble to warm the cream. When I make these again, I will warm the cream earlier. Otherwise, these were easy to make and came together nicely. I should have added the sea salt a little earlier. I waited until they were too cool and it was hard to get the salt to stick.

Thanks to Teri of The Freshman Cook for choosing a fantastic recipe. You can find the recipe on her blog and see the links to the other Club Baked members caramels here!


  1. The caramels look soft and yummy! Have a wonderful cruise, what a great thing to win (and in February too:@)

  2. This is my favorite one..I love it..Bookmarked


  3. These look beautiful! Have a wonderful trip! Very exciting!

  4. Enjoy your cruise; we are leaving March 1st for Victoria BC. See you then.

  5. That is so awesome - you won this!!! Congratulations, have a wonderful time and I hope you brought some of these caramels with you :) They look delicious!

  6. Congratulations on winning the cruise! The hubbs and I have always wondered about how a cruise would go, so I would love to hear about your trip when you return.

    The caramels were a hit here too. Who am I kidding. I love anything with caramel!

  7. Have a great time! So cool that you won. Caramels look amazing, I love salty sweet.

  8. SO excited for you! Can't wait to hear about the wonderful time you are having :)

  9. Have a wonderful time on your trip! Honestly, winning a trip is the best prize I could imagine. Please promise you'll write all about it when you get back!

  10. Congrats on winning a cruise! Sounds like a blast. Your caramels look great. I have been traveling and didn't get a chance to make them yet, but hope to conquer them this weekend.

  11. Congrats on winning your free cruise. Have a wonderful time.

  12. Your caramels look great! I am a huge salty-sweet fan too! I just posted mine today. I made them before the 15th, but haven't had time to blog. I hope you enjoyed your cruise. How fun to win something like that!

  13. You are a winner...and I hope your 10 days abroad will be filled with lots of happiness. Your caramels look divine too!


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