
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Ribs, Smashed Potatoes and Carrots - Mozza Cookbook

It's a good sign to be able to admit when you have a problem, right? I am a cookbook addict! There I said it! I need to count but I know I have over 100! Out of all of the wonderful cookbooks published last year, I was able to narrow it down to just two for my Christmas wish list. Okay, that's progress isn't it?

A couple of years ago we celebrated my son's 30th birthday at Mozza. This was one of my all time favorite meals and restaurants! For the past two years there's been talk of a Mozza cookbook. When I saw it had finally been released, I immediately put the book on my Christmas list! The second cookbook I received was Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream's at Home. I will be blogging about the first recipe I tried soon!

If my first recipes are any indication, this cookbook rocks! Being a Kansas City girl, ribs to me mean BBQ ribs. When I saw the recipe for Pork Ribs with Fennel and Apple Cider Vinegar, I was intrigued. The recipe didn't disappoint, these ribs were fall off the bone tender and delicious.
Rounding things out for an all Mozza dinner, I tried the Smashed Potatoes with Rosemary and the Roasted Carrots. Roasting has taken on a new meaning in my kitchen. My new oven has a convection roast setting. The end result is perfectly roasted veggies in less time! This is a meal I will be adding to list of recipes to prepare when we are having dinner guests. Delicious and ones that do not require a lot of hands on prep!

If you're interested in these recipes, send me an email! I am linking this to Foodie Friday.


  1. I'm crazy for cookbooks too. I love to decorate with them as much as using them for cooking. Everything looks and sounds delicious...e-mailing please!

  2. i too love collecting cookbook


  3. I love cookbooks also! This sounds really good.

  4. That looks just delicious. I've heard so many great things about that cookbook!

  5. I gave this cookbook to my chef SIL for Christmas and bought a copy for myself too. I still haven't made anything from it yet but I have many bookmarks to try - including this wonderful recipe! It sounds delicious.

  6. Cookbook addict, too! I can't even count any more! It all looks delicious! Looking forward to seeing what you make with the Ice Cream book.

  7. I'm a cookbook fiend also...with no desire to give up my addiction! I've heard such good things about the Mozza cookbook! Glad to hear you had success with it!

  8. Did you find it odd that the brine did not called to be boiled? Just put salt and sugar in cold water .. Odd method to brine. I am making the ribs now but am doubting this step.


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