
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Apple Cupcakes - Club Baked

Two nights in a row I am going to play the moving card. Since we moved two weeks ago, time just hasn't been on my side where baking is concerned. However, this recipe looked delicious and Tim needed treats for work. I knew I didn't have time to make the layer cake and caramel sauce the recipe called for so I made a few changes. I decided to make cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.

I cut the recipe in half and ended up with 21 cupcakes. I baked them for about 18 minutes. This recipe totally says fall. The aroma coming from the kitchen while this was baking was heavenly!! These cupcakes are so moist and very delicious. I would have liked a just a little more spice flavor in these!

Thanks to Melissa of Lulu the Baker for choosing this month's recipe. For sure, it's a keeper! You can find the recipe on her blog and links to the other Club Baked bakers creations here!


  1. Apple anything smells amazing fresh out of the oven! Hope you are enjoying your new place and tell Tim he's a pretty lucky guy...lunch treats!!!

  2. I thought these worked perfectly as cupcakes. Great job!

  3. I'm impressed you made cupcakes in the aftermath of moving. I loved the cake, and after a day or so it seemed the apple flavor disappeared and my cupcakes tasted more like spice cake. Cream cheese would be great with these!

  4. They sound great and I have a few apples left over:@)

  5. They look delicious as cupcakes! What a great idea!

  6. Yea- I am impressed too! Not sure I would have stopped unpacking and sorting to bake. And even though I have said it before, I will say it again...cupcakes are the one of the happiest most fun things in the world. Gratz on your new home!

  7. These are what I was looking for; thank you.

  8. Cream cheese is a great idea for the frosting. I should have made cupcakes since it made sooo much cake. Props for making this while moving - whew!


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