
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Caramelized Onion, Cabbage and Sweet Potato Chowder

Are you a follower of Eats Well With Others? If not, you should check it out, I think you'll want to follow. Not only does Joanne have some delicious recipes that are good for you too, she also tells the best stories. Besides a terrific blog, Joanne's a med student and runs marathons. Can you say amazing?

A few weeks ago Joanne posted this soup, I thought it sounded delicious and I just happened to have a head of cabbage in the fridge. My husband is always telling me how much he dislikes cooked cabbage, so to humor him, I added some Italian sausage to Joanne's recipe. A soup is always better, where Tim's concerned, if it has meat in it. We so enjoyed this soup and Tim didn't even mind the cabbage.

Caramelized Onion, Cabbage, and Sweet Potato Chowder with Rosemary

Serves 4-5, adapted from Vegetarian Times September 2011 (Courtesy of Eats Well With Others)


1/2 cup pomegranate juice
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp olive oil, divided
2 tbsp unsalted butter, divided
12 oz cabbage, cut into large dice (6 to 7 cups)
3 large onions, cut into large dice
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 lb sweet potato, diced
2 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves


1. Combine pomegranate juice, soy sauce, and vinegar in small bowl.

2. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp butter in skillet over medium-high heat. Add cabbage and season with salt, if desired. Cook 5 to 7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer to shallow bowl.

3. Heat remaining 1 tbsp oil and 1 tbsp butter in large pot over medium heat. Add onions and season with salt. Cover and cook 8-10 minutes, or until onions are softened, stirring occasionally. Uncover and cook 16 to 18 minutes, or until onions are golden brown. Add garlic, rosemary and pomegranate mixture, stirring to scrape up browned bits on pan bottom. Bring to a simmer and cook 1 minute. Add cabbage, sweet potato cubes, and 5 cups water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, partially cover and cook 15 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Note: I added 3 links of Sweet Italian Sausage to this recipe.

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday,. Foodie Friday and Full Plate Thursday.


  1. Looks so good! I saw that on Joanne's blog and bookmarked it, now I love the addition of sausage, too!

  2. Not that is a chowder I would love to put my spoon and my fork into; love that pomegranate juice

  3. Looks good, this is really different! I love cabbage and always look for more ways to eat it:@)

  4. This is a yummy looking soup! I really love cooked cabbage and sweet potatoes. Perfect for chilly fall days.

  5. Aww yay! I'm so glad you liked it Julie! the addition of sausage is definitely an awesome addition...great play on sweet and salty!

  6. I love Eats Well too, and I have no idea how she does everything she does. Thanks for the repeat on this recipe!

  7. I love Joanne's blog. Sometimes I'll break out laughing while reading her posts.

    I've missed a few recipes since I've been out of town but this sounds like a winner!

  8. Hi Julie,
    Sure wish a bowl of this Chowder was sitting in front of me for my lunch, yum!! Thank you so much for sharing your great recipe with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you will have a fabulous week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  9. You are right, I love Joanne's stories :)

    This is something that I would never come up with on my own, but the combination of ingredients sounds great!


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