
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Cinnamon Peach Preserves - SMS

I am a little sad as I write this post, this will be my final post for Sweet Melissa Sunday's. Sweet Melissa Sunday's was the first group I joined when I first began blogging . The SMS bloggers are a great group and it's been so fun getting to all of them. Several of the bakers from SMS have formed a new baking group, Club: Baked! Thanks to Karen of Karen's Cookies Cakes and More for hosting SMS and creating Club: Baked.

As SMS draws to a close and I reflect on all of the recipes we've made, I contemplate which one's were my favorites. These preserves are in my top five. One of the reasons it's my favorite is because preserves have always been one of those recipes I wanted to make but thought it was too difficult. This recipe has shown me making preserves easy and fun. The flavor combinations are endless.

Summer brings beautiful, juicy peaches to the Midwest, making this the perfect August recipe. One of the unique things about Melissa's recipe is she uses Granny Smith apples instead of pectin. I added a bit of vanilla bean paste to this mixture, right before spooning it into the jars. The vanilla blends nicely with the cinnamon and peach flavors.

Our host for this week is Tessa of The Cooking Chemist. Tessa was the first blogger I "met" who lived in my town. I immediately became a follower and enjoy her blog. She's since graduated from pharmacy school and moved to Phoenix but I still follow her blog. You'll find this delicious jam recipe on her blog and you can check out the other SMS bloggers here!

I am linking this to Tasty Tuesday!


  1. Julie, that looks scrump-dilly-ishua! Does Tessa know that fabulous gal, Sherry @ If not she should as they live in the same town.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  2. Your preserves look great Julie! I'll bet the vanilla sends them right over the top-enjoy:@)

  3. What an incredible flavor combination! I would love to taste that on a biscuit. Yum! Thank you for the visit and for leaving your sweet comment. Have a beautiful Monday!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Julie. Your preserves look wonderful too. Love your vanilla bean paste addition (will have to remember that).
    SMS was my first baking group too, and although I haven't participated in a while, I will be making the very last SMS recipe which is coming up in two weeks. I hope you can join us as this group draws to a close! :o)

  5. Great photo Julie and great memories of bloggers; love the idea of adding s bit of vanilla; must bring the taste to new heights.
    Wishing you a grat week.

  6. What a great flavor combination and it is beautiful!!

  7. It's so crazy that you guys are almost done with the book! It must feel like such an accomplishment! THese preserves look delicious. Love that they're so cinnamony!

  8. These look fabulous. I didnt' get as many peaches as I wanted this year.

    Thanks for linking to Tasty Tuesday but please make sure you link back so everyone can join in the fun.

  9. I can't believe there is only more SMS recipe left! The preserves are definitely one of my favorite recipes. I was thinking it would be fun for everyone in the group to do one last post after the official final recipe and post their top 10 favorite recipes from the book. I know I had quite a few favorites.

    Your preserves look great Julie! Great idea adding vanilla bean.

  10. Thanks for your kind comments Julie! I think we were each other's firsts realizing that we lived in the same town :)

    I was also amazed at how easy these preserves are to make. Love it when you can get something this good with little work!

  11. Looks delicious and pretty in the jar too! August shouts peaches to me. Now you can enjoy them for much longer :)


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