
Monday, July 11, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! There's no official Meet Me on Monday over at Never Growing Old today. I decided to go back and answer the questions from one before I started participating.

1. What do you put on your hot dog?
Mustard! About the only time I eat a hot dog is at a summer baseball game!

2. Do you play Sudoku?
Nope! Words with Friends and Angry Birds for me!

3. What is your favorite vegetable?
This is a hard one. I love vegetables. There's hardly any I don't like. I guess it would be asparagus!

4. Do you color your hair?
Violet red. Think Sharon Osborne, only not as violet!

5. What is your favorite brand of clothing?
I am more of a bargain than brand shopper. My favorite brand is whatever pair of jeans fit me!

How about you, what's your favorite veggie?


  1. LOVE all veggies! But I still haven't tried artichokes, not even in the famous spinach dip! Oh how I'd just love to find a pair of jeans that fit well at this point, I've settled for my last two pair:@)

  2. Favorite veggie? Love mostly all except lima beans. Just don't like them at all.

  3. No question, hands down, had one tonight...artichokes! How come I thought you had blonde hair?

  4. I am with you on the jeans. The ones that fit! Favorite veggie would be hard too... Fresh green beans would definitely be up there for me.

  5. Bargain shopper here too! Especially for jeans!

  6. Broccoli is my favorite veggie! Weird, I know. But it's always a go to for me.


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