
Thursday, June 16, 2011

From The Good Life

Sadly enough today's From The Good Life doesn't reflect such a good life for many. Here in Omaha, as well as all around us we're experiencing terrible flooding. Having lived in the midwest all of my life, I've experienced flash flooding and some river flooding but never anything like this. Farmland and towns have become lakes, highways are closed and levee's are breaking. I was amazed on Sunday when I spoke with my son, who lives in Los Angeles, he hadn't heard anything on the news about what was going on here. Just this week, I've started to see a bit in the news about the devastation but certainly, or so it seems, not as much as when disaster occurs on the east or west coast.

Photograph courtesy of St. Joseph Post

The really sad part is this could go on for weeks or even months, as the release of water continues from Gavin's Point Dam in South Dakota. Please keep all of the people effected by this in your thoughts!


  1. That is so shocking. We have had terrible flooding in the Canadian midwest too, and the outcome has been just devastating to farmers. I'll keep them all in my prayers.

  2. That is awful! We had all that last month.

  3. We went through the same thing last month. Everything was flooding and all the rivers and lakes were overflowing. You are in my prayers.

  4. It is devasting! We have been folloing all teh tragedies happening.People are losing so much.
    Sending good vibes your way.

  5. That is just terrible. You are right, it was never mentioned on the news here, in NY, that I know of, such devastation everywhere these days.

  6. OMG! This is awful. I can't believe this hasn't hit the national news yet because this is life-changing and newsworthy. I hope you're safe and sound!

  7. wow... I hadn't heard of this on the news. How awful. And to think that it will go on for so long!

  8. Our prayers go out to you, your family and your neighbors. You have certainly been put through the wringer. Keep safe. Blessings, Ginger
    I am following.

  9. That is just horrible! Our news has been so filled with our state fires (I am in Arizona) that we haven't heard much about the rest of the country. Too bad that water couldn't be diverted to put out the forest fires! There has been so much devastation in our country this year.


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