
Thursday, June 9, 2011

From The Good Life

I am excited to have my first guest poster on Little Bit of Everything. He's my photographer, my taster, my supporter and my best friend. If you haven't already guessed, it's my husband Tim. Thanks for all you do for me!

Hi! I am Julie's husband, Tim aka "The Photographer". I seem to be on standby 24/7 as I never know when Julie is whipping up that next creation in the kitchen or I need to photograph something PINK! When Julie asked if I wanted to be her first guest blogger, I knew I had to tie something fun together, incorporating my pictures and of course food.

With summer temperatures rising this week it takes me back to our vacation this winter in Cabo San Lucas. Our friend Larry and I went fishing in the Pacific. We had the option to fish inland (small fish and lots of them) or head out in the ocean 40 miles and the chance for Yellow Fin Tuna. We went for fun and adventure and we found it. I never knew Tuna traveled with Dolphins. It was an amazing site to see hundreds of Dolphins and Tuna jumping at the same time next to the boat.

As a kid in Minnesota, I learned seeing a fish jump and catching a fish are two different things. We were lucky enough to catch a nice 15 pound Yellow Fin. After reeling him in, our deck hand filleted the fish out at 40 MPH on the back of the boat. If you have ever cleaned fish it’s hard enough doing this standing still. We ended up with 4 nice fillets that would sure taste good on the grill this summer.

This week, We fired up the grill to enjoy our catch. We lightly covered the 1 1/2 inch thick filets with olive oil and seasoning. Having never grilled this type of fish, our wisdom and Google said to cook 2 minutes each side. The joy of cooking is to experiment and learn. Looks like we needed to sear on one side and flip over after 1 minute, or less as they were a little bit over done. Still tasty, it brought back great memories of a great vacation.


  1. Hi Tim, you are a good photographer; I just showed your photos to my husband and he is now drooling and would love to be in that corner of teh world.

  2. Great shots! That tuna looks fantastic, doesn't get any fresher than when you catch it yourself! Great post :)

  3. Hey Julie! Thanks for your comment on my blog! I know it shows that GFC is down on my blog, but you can still follow me by clicking "FOLLOW" on the top left side of my blog along my navigation bar. It is next to the "blog search", "report abuse", "next blog" and "share" links. Just scroll up to the very top of the page and click on "Follow"! :) I hope that makes sense? Give it a try and if you need a better explanation let me know! thanks so much for taking the time to visit my blog and following me! I love making new blogging friends!

  4. Wow, great catch! I love yellow fin tuna and this must have tasted wonderful done on the grill.


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