
Monday, May 16, 2011

Meet Me On Monday!

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! It's Monday and that means Meet Me On Monday! If you're interested in participating in this fun party, you can find the details over at Never Growing Old! Here's this week's questions and answers!

1. Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Smooth all the way!!!

2. What is your favorite color Rose?
All of them! I just love roses!!

3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
I try but sometimes I forget!

4. What is your favorite season?
For me it has to be seasons, I love Spring and Fall. In the midwest we can have some really cold winters and terribly hot summers. We're always ready for warmer weather and the blooming flowers of Spring and cooler weather and the changing leaves of Fall!

5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
Depends...what are we calling "blogging"? If we're including time spent reading blogs, I spend 2 - 4 hours a day. If I don't have something going on, my evening is spent in my favorite chair with my laptop reading all of your wonderful blog posts! If we're just taking into consideration the time actually putting together a blog post, an hour is more like it.

How about you? How many hours do you spend blogging?


  1. About 30 minutes per day on average,when blogger is not acting crazy, like this past weekend. I love to read the blogs in my feeder. Now, if you ask me how much do I think about blogging-alot!


  2. Hi, it's Just One Donna visiting for Meet Me On Monday. I'm with you on spring and fall. I just love them both. I spend 2-6 hours on blagging depending on the day.

  3. Too many! I'm working on cutting back...and I love crunchy by the spoonful. It's so much fun to learn about you. Hugs from Idaho!

  4. i definitely agree about those seasons!
    nice to me-meet you =)

  5. Spring is my favourite season but Autumn is a close second :) Have a great week!


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