
Monday, May 2, 2011

Meet Me On Monday

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend!

If you're interested in participating in Meet Me On Monday, you can find the questions and the link at Never Growing Old. Thanks, Jade for hosting such a fun Monday party!

1. What is your favorite kind of muffin?
Blueberry! Especially when they're made with freshly picked blueberries!

2. What was the first car you ever owned?
Not even sure what year it was but a Toyota. My father paid $50.00 for it. Yes, $50.00. Granted this was quite a few years ago. I think everything worked okay except the radio. I used to carry around my little transistor radio that looked like a ball.

3. Which TV Show were you sad to see end?
Ally McBeal! I love Calista Flockhart and was thrilled to see her show up again on Brother's and Sister's!

4. What is your lucky number?
I don't think I have one? 7's but only in Vegas!

5. Pretzels or Potato Chips?I don't eat either one of them very often. I try to choose pretzels but love potato chips, too!

How about you?


  1. Hi Julie, Wishing you a grat week; I love blueberry muffins too.

  2. These are always fun posts!
    I can't name just one muffin! But blueberry is up there! Ally McBeal, great show! I feel bad that All My Children is ending and I don't watch it anyway, but it is like an institution!

  3. I think I would have to say chocolate chip muffins. Can't be breakfast food and chocolate! ;)

  4. Hi Julie!
    Thanks for playing along with Meet Me on Monday!! Please remember to link the url only of your Meet Me On Monday post and not your whole blog! I have to go in and fix it!!
    Hope you have a great week!!!

  5. yeah! another pretzel person who drove a toyota =)
    happy monday

  6. Blueberry muffins seem to the the muffin of choice! I don't mind what type they are just as long as they are fresh :)


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