
Monday, April 4, 2011

Meet Me on Monday

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend! We joined our friends Karen and Larry at the Lake of the Ozarks and enjoyed a beautiful Spring weekend! Do you have a least favorite day of the week? For me, hands down, it's Monday. The weekend's never seem long enough and then it's time to go back to work. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my job but not quite as much as those cherished weekend's.

Last week, I ran across a fun blog party that celebrates Monday! You can find Meet Me On Monday here at Never Growing Old. Every week she posts five questions where we can all get to know each other better!


1. If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Wow...this one is hard. As food blogger, it's no secret I love food!! If I had to pick just one, it would be chocolate!!

2. Do you write your blog posts in advance or the day you post them?
Most of the time, I write them in advance. I like to be organized and have several posts written and ready to go!!!

3. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
I don't think I have and I'd like to keep it that way !!!

4. What is your favorite candle scent?
Lavender! It's such a relaxing scent!!

5. Coffee or tea?
Until recently, I would have said coffee! Lately, I've gotten into Chai Tea. It's a toss up, I love them both!!!

Have a great Monday and thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. Well this is a memorable Monday for me now! It's great to know just a little more about you. I knew you like to stay ahead on your posts and that you liked chocolate. Yes, stay out of an ambulance and try Yerba Matte, my favorite herbal tea!

  2. Pick just one? Pizza gets the edge for me. and coffee, definitely coffee! Fun questions! Sounds like a very nice weekend with friends!

  3. It was nice to learn some more about you! I would have to say I'm not crazy about Mondays (even though we're retired). Norm isn't always great on Monday. Don't have a favorite food as I like most food. I would have to say my least favorite is liver...

  4. Welcome to Meet Me on Monday....
    I look forward to Monday mornings when I can see what the questions are and hop around reading everyone's answers!
    your newest follower #157 ;)
    come on over to my place if you like:

  5. Hi, I'm visiting from Meet Me On Monday. I write about food, family and living by the shore in New England. I'm Just One Donna at I'm signing up to be one of your followers.

  6. I have to say Monday has always been one of my favourite days. When raising my boys, it meant they were going back to school, but I still love and I really think Monday means going back to my routine and I kind of need that in my life.
    Happy Monday to you Julie,

  7. I LOVE the Lake of the Ozarks! I haven't been there in years, but when I was a kid, I practically spent my entire summer there. Ah, such wonderful memories! Monday is still my least favorite day of the week, even when unemployed. It still seems that Mondays are Mondays, whether you're working or not!

  8. I have a lavender spray that I love to use on my pillows and sheets.

    Nice to meet you!

  9. Only one food for the rest of my life... Oh NO!

    I usually write my bog just before I post but I sometimes have an idea in draft.

    Lavender is a lovely scent!

    Fun getting to know you a tiny bit better!

  10. I agree with the chai tea. I love it, especially when it is chilly outside!

    As for the cookie carnival, you should absolutely join us if you want. It's a monthly group. There are no requirements, so it's okay if life gets busy =)

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I am now following..x

  12. Chocolate sounds like a delicious way to go. But I would have to say....bread pudding. Man I love that stuff.

  13. Hi Julie!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for joining the Meet Me on Monday!

    Those are some great answers!

    I'm now following you and would love it if you follow me back if you haven’t done so already!!

    Hope you have a great day and thanks for participating!! Meet you again next week!



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