
Friday, March 25, 2011

Champagne Risotto with Leeks and Asparagus

We've been really busy these past couple of weeks. When I went to choose my recipe for today, I realized I had only one recipe in my drafts. Then I discovered I didn't have a picture! I decided to repost one of my favorites, Champagne Risotto with Leeks and Asparagus.

I posted this in my early blogging days when no one was reading my blog, so I don't even think it really counts as a repost. I love this recipe and it's one I've been making for years. Those of you who are leery of risotto, give this recipe a try! You won't be sorry, it's so delicious.

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum!


  1. This looks really delicious. The ingredients you've used to make the risotto are really hard to beat. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. That sounds good. I love asparagus!

  3. Risotto has to be one of favourite things; true creamy comfort food and your recipe instires me too try this out when I return to my kitchen.

  4. Looks delicious, glad you reposted! What a great idea to go back to the beginning!

  5. I have never tried risotto, but it's one of those things on my list of foods to attempt. Yours looks great, and asparagus is definitely around here right now!

  6. I love risotto - especially with asparagus. This sounds like a delightful recipe and I'm glad you reposted!


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