
Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Year Anniversary and a Dangerous Dessert

Today is the two year blogiversary of Little Bit of Everything. A lot of people blog as a career, to make some extra cash or as the start of a cookbook. I'm not blogging for any of those reasons, I am blogging for me! I love to cook. Blogging has given me the vehicle to showcase and prepare recipes, I might not otherwise try. What's your favorite thing about blogging? Mine is my readers! It's been so much fun getting to know all of you! I appreciate all of your comments so very much!!! I remember when I first started getting comments, it was like a present in my in box!! Thanks for reading my blog!!!

Without my husband, there not be a Little Bit of Everything. Tim is my photographer. He's so patient with me. When I say, no I don't like that shot or not from that angle, he just smiles and takes another picture. Dinner is often delayed a few minutes while we get a shot for the blog. I am always saying I need a "pink" for Pink Saturday. He finds a picture in the mass of photographs on his computer. I know I don't say it as often as I should but thanks for all you do for me and Little Bit of Everything! I love you!!

Have you ever eaten one of those Betty Crocker Warm Delights Molten Chocolate cakes? They're a quick, yummy treat. Certainly not as delicious as a homemade molten chocolate cake but perfect for a quick chocolate fix! I used a small bowl to "bake" this cake and it was the perfect size. Be careful not to cook this too long. The recipes calls for three minutes. Next time, I am going to try 2 1/2 minutes and see if it comes out more gooey! It will be fun to experiment with other chips, flavorings and applesauce instead of the oil. Way too easy make!!! This dessert is dangerous.

Dangerous 5 Minute Chocolate Cake
Recipe Courtesy of Bargain Hoot


• 4 tablespoons flour
• 4 tablespoons sugar
• 2 tablespoons cocoa
• 1 egg ( I just used an egg white)
• 3 tablespoons milk
• 3 tablespoons oil
• 3 tablespoons chocolate chips
• Small splash of vanilla extract
• 1 large coffee mug

-Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well.
-Add the egg and mix thoroughly.
-Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.
-Add the chocolate chips and vanilla extract, and mix again.
-Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts

I am linking this to Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum.


  1. That looks very good and very "rich"!

  2. Looks really decadent! I blog for the same reasons, for me, and for the family! And I love reading about people's blogging adventure's and finding new recipes, or just to get some good idea's!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! Looking forward to another year of your fun filled and delicious blog posts :)

  4. Ah this looks chocolaty good!!:)

  5. Happy Blogiversary! I blog for the same reason and always enjoy your posts and comments!

  6. How ironic! My mother and I were just talking about a similar recipe the other day. Neither of us could remember the name of it or if we even had the recipe. It is one we used to make a long time ago and just loved it! Thank you!
    Yes, one of my favorite parts of blogging is comments. Thank you for leaving one on my blog.


  7. Hey Julie,

    I'm so happy for you! Congrats on the anniversary celebration and thanks for the yummy little chocolate gift to all of your readers. I'm going to try to adapt it for low-carbers like me, and if I fail, no real big deal! It's the perfect size. Thanks to Tim for the pix and support. You know I love my visits here, so thanks for showcasing so many fun dishes! May the next year be as much fun for all of us ;D

  8. What a lovely post ; Happy anniversary. Like you I blog because I love it and like you I enjoy having readers that comment. I won't be seriously cooking for a while but I will be keeping this recipe. It will be a hit when my kids come to visit. Thank you.

  9. Oh my..This looks like pure HEAVEN!! Happy Anniversary!!

  10. I am so staying away from this one...

    My string cheese melted fine. I don't know if different brands act differently or not. I used the Weight Watchers brand.

  11. Happy Two Year Anniversary! Lovely blog and a great project you share with your guy!

    I blog for me too ~ mostly. It is just a family journal that records stuff for my kids and their kids. It just amazes me that others might be interested too :)


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