
Monday, February 21, 2011

Rum Truffles - Sweet Melissa Sunday's

Coming back from vacation is always hard. It takes me a week or so to get back in the swing of things!!! I read through this week's SMS recipe earlier in the week and had planned to make them yesterday. Yesterday came and went and no truffles! I just couldn't get motivated to make them. Today after reading everyone's reviews on how delicious these were, I was motivated. Now to find the time. Finally at about 6:30, I made them! Truffles need to chill at least two hours before they can be formed, so I didn't quite make Sweet Melissa Sunday's. More like Sweet Melissa Monday's.

All of the truffle recipes I am familiar with contain cream. Melissa's recipe calls for egg yolks. Egg yolks, seriously? Concerned that if I left the egg yolk out, the truffles wouldn't turn out properly, I decided to go for it. I quartered the recipe and ended up with seven truffles. These have a rich chocolate flavor with just a hint of rum. The egg yolk? I couldn't tell it was in the truffles. If you like truffles, give these a try. They're easy to make and are a beautiful treat! You can find the recipe at Nina's Cupcakes. Thanks for a great pick this week, Nina! Check out the other SMS bakers truffles here!


  1. As a rum/coke lover these sound really good. Hope you had a nice vacation.

  2. The egg yolks do sound surprising, but they look delicious! I don't think I would be able to stop at a few!

  3. It is always hard getting back in the swing of things after vacation! Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation =)

    The truffles look great. Glad you enjoyed them!

  4. I ended up skipping these but given the reviews am going to have to give them a try. Yours look super delish Julie.

  5. Do you cook the egg? I am too lazy to go look for the recipe! Yours look delish!

  6. Oh yeah, agreed on it being tough to get back into the swing of things after vacation. I always struggle :) I was skeptical about the egg too, but I liked the truffles - perhaps even more than the usual heavy cream version.

  7. Terri:

    You don't cook the egg, you add it to the hot melted chocolate and egg mixture. Interesting?


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