
Thursday, February 10, 2011

From The Good Life - Cabo

When the weather turned cold in Omaha, I changed my Thursday feature from In My Garden to From The Good Life. If you've never been to Nebraska, which I am guessing most of you haven't, you don't know the signs as you enter the state say "The Good Life". This Thursday, my blog is really from the good life.

We're enjoying beautiful weather in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. We're vacationing with our good friends, Karen and Larry. Yesterday the guys went deep sea fishing. Larry caught the first blue marlin of the season on the boat they were on! Way to go Larry. Tim caught a 10 pound tuna. Stay tuned for a future sushi post!

This fellow joined them for a ride on the back of the boat as they headed back to the harbor.


  1. Oh how fun that must be!! I have been to Nebraska a couple times, and love it there. I must say though, my husband and I are longing for his little island Puerto Rico with all this snow we have been having!! Sun, sand and surf sounds great!!

  2. What a cute fellow! Sounds like a great trip! Nice catches!

  3. Awwww - what a cute little fellow. Hope you guys continue to have a great time.


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