
Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Winner and Little Bit of Everything in 2011

Happy New Year!! The winner of my CSN Stores Giveaway is Debbie of Debbie Does Dinner Healthy. Thanks to everyone for entering and congratulations, Debbie!!

As 2010 came to a close, I took a look back at my blogging goals. My goals were to participate in Adopt a Blogger, create more recipes on my own, take a cake decorating class, bake more homemade bread and make better use of my cookbooks and my mom's recipes.

How did I do? Adopt a Blogger, Cake Decoating check! One of my homemade bread recipes produced a funny loaf of bread. Mom's recipe, Dorothy Mackey's Apple Dapple Cake delivered one of my favorite dessert recipes of the year. All in all, not too bad. The only real failure was using my cookbooks more. I really need to work on that one. What do I do? I just keeping buying more cookbooks.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been jotting down my 2011 food and blogging related goals.

Entertain More - I love to entertain. In 2011, in addition to having friends over for dinner, I'd like to host a wine and cheese tasting party.

Read My Recipes Well - I tend to glance over the recipes. I think I understand prep or pre cooking times. When I start preparing, I realize I didn't understand and the recipe takes longer than the time I'd allotted.

Advance Prep - To help reduce the time it takes to cook a recipe and have healthier snacks in the fridge, wash and prep fruits and veggies when I bring them home from the store!

My Top 50 - Continue to focus on the recipes on this list.

What are your 2011 blogging goals?


  1. Oh, what are my blogging goals? That is exactly what I'm wondering too! :)

  2. You've set some great goals for yourself. I'm especially guilty of #2, not reading my recipes well enough in advance. That sounds like a good goal for me in 2011!

  3. You've got some great goals! I haven't thought of any for myself at this point, just going day to day!
    I do the same thing, have to take time to really read a recipe, but I do luck out a lot with my screw ups :)
    Happy New Year, looking forward to more great recipes that you post!

  4. Sounds like you did okay on your goals last year! Good for you! Hope you are just as successful in 2011.

    I notice the name Mackey in your post. While doing genealogy research a couple of years ago we learned that is a name in my husbands family tree. Any south Jersey relatives?

  5. Congratulations to Debbie!

    I love your goals. We are very fortunate to have a wonderful group of friends who enjoy entertaining. My goal is to cook and eat more fish and less beef.

  6. Happy New Year wishes to you! Looks like you've got some great goals. This makes me realize that I should set some for myself.

  7. I haven't had time yet to set goals for the year. It's good you were able to accomplish so many of yours in 2010. I hope the new year brings you continued health and happiness. Blessings...Mary

  8. It sounds like you accomplished a lot in 2010 and have made awesome goals for 2011! I can't wait to keep following you as you strive to achieve them!

  9. I've been making goals, too. I like yours, one in particular. Sometimes I make the same mistake of skimming over a recipe and missing something. Good goal! I am glad to see I am not the only one who does that! :)

  10. Oh my...I don't think i ever really thought about it. But now I am going to be setting down and really thinking as to why I am blogging and where I want to take it. Thanks for the inspiration and stopping by.

    The Gaines Gang


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