
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pink Saturday - Vacation Anticipation

I am not very good at taking pictures to have on hand for Pink Saturday posts. Instead of borrowing one from the internet, I try to find one in my own picture library. There's lots of shades of pink and many interpretations of color. To me these buildings have pink roofs, so work with me on this one! This picture was taken from our cabin, before we sailed away from St. Martin on our 2008 Caribbean cruise.

There's nothing better than a warm weather winter vacation, it helps the long winter seem a little more bearable and go a little faster. We leave in a week for warm weather and sunshine. I can't wait!

I am linking this to Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound!


  1. HPS!!

    Have a wonderful vacation and thanks so much for stopping by!


  2. You are right about warm weather. I have been on several cruises and back then to me that was the best way to travel. I would still enjoy it, except the ships seem to be having so many problems. I have been to St. Martin and love the good shopping.

  3. Your photo was a perfect choice for Pink Saturday. Just looking at it helped beat back this gray Oregon day. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  4. Oh, I'm envious: a cruise! How wonderful. Make sure you take a ton of photos for us to see later, lol

    Thanks so much for visiting last week - and big apologies for not visiting back last weekend. Things have been fairly hysterical, battling a heavy cold, long stints on the computer (with quite a few very late nights) but I'm finally catching up now!

    Happy Pink Saturday and hugs from the UK!

  5. Leaving for our month in Victoria in March; anticipation for another month.

  6. Hope you have a great time. Cute pink roofs.

  7. How beautiful!! Happy vacation! Will you pack me in your suitcase and take me with you! I so could use some sun and relaxation!! HA HA.

  8. Be sure and post pics of your warm vacation for those of us stuck in snow!

  9. Absolutely beautiful.
    ENJOY the cruise!
    Don't forget to "Look in the Nook"

  10. I say pink is a state of mind. Pretty picture!

  11. Pretty pink! How nice you get a break from the winter!

  12. I soooo need a warm weather vacation right about now! Great picture.

  13. Hey! Thanks for the comment on my blog! I am following you now.

    I got the canisters at Walmart. They are cheap and so fun. The stickers are chalkboard and I write on them using chalkboard markers.


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